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Internet 3 Optimizing Optical Networks with Multi-Haul Networks

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1 Internet 3 Optimizing Optical Networks with Multi-Haul Networks
December 7th, 2006 Roy Bowcutt This slide set provides an overview of ADVA Optical Networking: Mission, market, growth drivers, our ADVAntage, customer base, FSP portfolio and value proposition, sales distribution strategy. Roy Bowcutt

2 Outline Traditional WDM systems and real networks
Technology applied in real networks Optimizing networks with multi-haul designs Intelligent Integration using an intelligent control plane

3 Traditional Network Segmentation
Networking Solutions Optimized for Each Segment (Access, Metro, Regional, and Long Haul) Technologies Targeted for One or Two Networking Segments Network Management Systems, Provisioning Operations, and Organizational Structures built around Segmented Networks

4 WDM Network Categories
Long Haul Regional Metropolitan Access Cost Capacity Distance >800 km <800 km +80 l 10G +40 l 40G <400 km 40 l 10G (2.5G) <100 km 20 l 10G + 2.5G $$$$$ $$$ <8 l 2.5G $$ $ Increased Network Cost WDM systems are typically optimized for a given application

5 WDM Network Segmentation
Management Systems and Organizational Structures Developed and Organized for Networking Segments Access Metro Regional Long Haul

6 Increased Network Cost
To North Rings 3 Real Networks 2 2 4 Many Networks do not fall in any single category Increased Network Cost 9 5 6 7 5 8 4 6 8 7 7 5 7 New Jersey – Maryland Network In-service 2003 88 Network Elements Supports 40 l per fiber 10G & 2.5G 9 6 4 8 6 5 7 12 10 4 2 The number of channels (10G and 2.5G) on each optical span at initial turn-up is indicated by the number that is circled. 11 6 11 8 3 4 4 7 To South Rings

7 Technology Application Segmentation
Access Metro Regional Long Haul Transmitters Amplifiers Capacity Switching ROADM DML 2.5G CWDM MZ-EML 10G EAML 40G No Amp EDFA Dual Stage EDFA Raman Hybrid Raman/EDFA 8l 20l 40l 80l Terminal Node OADM ROADM Multi-Degree

8 Modular WDM - Amplifiers
Pre-amp (r)OADM Post-amp DCM Rx/Tx DCM Amplifier options No amplifier Single-pump EDFA Dual-pump EDFA Dual-pump EDFA with mid-stage access Variable Gain EDFA Distributed Raman Hybrid Raman+EDFA

9 Modular WDM - Transponders
Pre-amp (r)OADM Post-amp DCM Rx/Tx DCM Transponder options External ITU-T l, any rate CWDM 2.5G DML DWDM 2.5G EAML 2.5G MZI 2.5G EAML 2.5G FEC EAML 10G FEC MZI 10G FEC & duobinary

10 Modular WDM – (r)OADM OADM options Pre-amp (r)OADM Post-amp DCM Rx/Tx
None (line-amp node) 4 l and 8 l CWDM mux/demux single-l DWDM filters 20 l mux/demux 40 l mux/demux broadcast-and-select (2-degree) ROADM multi-degree ROADM

11 EDFA Power Ripple 6 spans x 100 km SMF 9 EDFA + 4 OADM
Low power ripple – no need for channel equalizer Input to first post-amp Output of last pre-amp < 5 dB power ripple

12 ROADM for Power Equalization
Recirculating loop with 2-deg. ROADM <5 dB power ripple after 16 ROADM Open eye diagrams for 10G EAML 1541 nm 16 loops 1535 nm 16 loops 0 loops 16 loops

13 Long-Haul All-Optical Transmission
Field trial 10 spans x 160 km SMF with no OEO regen EAML, NRZ 10G XPDR’s with hybrid Raman/EDFA No per-wavelength power equalization along the link EFEC BER threshold Error Free with EFEC turned ON

14 Multi-haul WDM System Support multiple WDM platforms Service providers
High Op.Ex. Use modular WDM system adapting to all networks requirements Protocols Data rates Number of channels Span distances Total distances Fiber types Add/drop capacity and reconfigurability Protection options

15 Multi-haul WDM Network
Hybrid Raman/EDFA 2-stage EDFA OADM 2-deg. ROADM >1000 km Raman 1-stage EDFA 2.5G DML 2.5G EAML 10G EAML 10G MZI 40G Multi-deg. ROADM CWDM

16 Network Cost Comparison
Multi-deg. ROADM 2-degree ROADM Fixed OADM Mixed (r)OADM

17 Tying Network Tools Together
2.5G DML 10G MZI R 2.5G EAML >1000 km 10G EAML R R 40G CWDM Provisioning Simplification Network utilization Multiple provisioning systems Automatic network inventory (discovery) Embedded service awareness

18 Intelligent Control Plane
Metro Core Metro Edge Metro Access Customers Reduces Operational Expenditures and Increases Service Delivery Point and click provisioning Network agility Enhanced revenue capability Integrated management Expedited Provisioning Higher asset utilization Automated network inventory and reuse Efficient restoration Network Efficiency Interoperability New types of services New architectural and operations models Network Evolution

19 Summary – Multi-haul DWDM
Mix different XPDRs, Amplifiers, OADMs, etc on the same optical path Use the lowest-cost (but still reliable) alternative to meet network requirements Cost and performance optimization performed with automated control plane technology

Thank You!

21 About the Author Roy Bowcutt is Senior Director of Product Management at ADVA Optical Networking. of Product Management at Movaz Networks.  Roy is experienced in the engineering and market development of telecommunications, cable video transmission, and data networking industries.  Prior to ADVA, Roy was the Vice President of Product Management at Movaz Networks. Prior to joining Movaz, he worked in various engineering and management positions at Scientific Atlanta and IBM. Roy holds a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Brigham Young University, a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, and an MBA from Emory University.

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