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How the World’s Most Improved School Systems Keep Getting Better McKinsey Report (2010)

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1 How the World’s Most Improved School Systems Keep Getting Better McKinsey Report (2010)

2 Findings The McKinsey Report studied 20 improving school systems. It found: 1.Student gains can be achieved in 6 years or less 2.The biggest impact was gained by improving the process (the learning experience in the classroom) rather than the structure or resources 3.Systems could be categorised as poor-fair, fair-good, good-great, great- excellent. Each stage needed different interventions 4.There was no evidence of ‘one size fits all’ 5.6 interventions were used at every stage (see next slide) 6.Moving systems above ‘good’ requires subsidiarity and collaborative practice 7.System reform was triggered by crisis or a change of leadership 8.Continuity of leadership and succession planning was crucial

3 6 interventions used at every stage 1.Building capacity (pedagogical and leadership) 2.Assessment 3.Data systems 4.Policy/ Law 5.Standards and curriculum 6.Pay and review

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