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1 Geospatial Update 21 November 2008 Dr Jim McLeod Regional Data Advocate Environment Waikato.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Geospatial Update 21 November 2008 Dr Jim McLeod Regional Data Advocate Environment Waikato."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Geospatial Update 21 November 2008 Dr Jim McLeod Regional Data Advocate Environment Waikato

2 2 Contents 1. The Challenge 2. NZ Geospatial Strategy 3. The Problems 4. One-Land: An option 5. Geospatial Projects 6. Funding & Forums 7. Questions

3 3 Data Supply - the challenge Internal data External data AnalysisPresentationDecision Want it: just in time current reliable digestible LocalProblem NationalSolution

4 4 NZ Geospatial Strategy (1)

5 5 NZ Geospatial Strategy (2)

6 6 Proposed Geospatial Strategy Work Programme

7 7 Problem 1: Organisational

8 8

9 9 Problem 2: Multi Organisations

10 10 Legend Central Govt Partner Rich “$0” Access TIL Valuers Lawyers Focus Development Future Investigation Expressions of Interest Operating Nov 08 Others Shared Information Digital Network Service Shared Data Service Imagery Cadastre NZGD2000 Fluvial Terrain User Forums Google? Central Govt. CEEF NZGO? DoC, MFE, MAF Stats, SSC, DIA NZDF, Police, etc Local Councils LGNZ LASSs? City Councils Reg. Councils RCEOs RMG EW, EBOP,Horiz. ARC,ECan, NRC ? Virt. Earth? Flow of products Data load & Maintenance Public Simple Free Access Commercial Pay for Access Councils Data Information Knowledge Flow of market requirements & dollars A Data Federation? LINZ Centre lines Road

11 11 A Multi-Org. Challenge

12 12 One-Land: Objective To effectively integrate land data from public sector agencies: l enabling integrated planning and monitoring for sustainable decision making, and l saving costs & reducing risks by sharing data & its collection & storage.

13 13 One-Land: Vision Sound, sustainable decisions about our One-Land, in all parts of government and the community: l from an holistic understanding of links and sustainability l from robust analysis & a clear picture of facts about land l using data pooled from many sources, esp. local & central government l enabled by the responsive, reliable, timely, and open sharing of land data

14 14 One-Land: Guiding Principles 1. For the sustainable good of all New Zealand communities, 2. Easy to join and open to all 3. Federated with min. core, - no critical element => robustness 4. Communities of Interest, with feedback for disparities & needs 5. Competition, innovation & commerce, - rules for “open” results 6. Ongoing collaboration on funding, develop. & maintenance 7. Governance by consensus (NZGO included) 8. Data suppliers responsive to user needs, 9. Not coercive, visible compliance to standards 10. Pragmatism rules

15 15 Components for Data Sharing

16 16 Geospatial Projects Data Commons l Standards l Discovery l Sharing Agreements l Use Agreements l Server support l Forums NZGO /Cntl Govt l Geospatial Standards l Fundamental Datasets l Economic Impact l GS Web-services Sandbox l Govt Info Policy & Data Re- use (SSC) l Land Use & Carbon Analysis System (LUCAS) l KiwiImage

17 17 Funding, Forums & Collaboration Funding l EW l RCEOs l Envirolink l SMF l TFBIS l SFF l CPF Forum l WaiGIS l One-Land l NZGO l GAC l Dataversity l Foresters? l Whaingaroa Harbour Care Collab. Layer l L3 l L1 l L2 l L2-3 l L3-4 l L3

18 18 Questions?

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