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Shanghai-Rotterdam Joint projects 2014-2015. PROGRAM: Features of the cooperation with Shanghai Introduction of the 2 types of projects: Junior Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "Shanghai-Rotterdam Joint projects 2014-2015. PROGRAM: Features of the cooperation with Shanghai Introduction of the 2 types of projects: Junior Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shanghai-Rotterdam Joint projects 2014-2015

2 PROGRAM: Features of the cooperation with Shanghai Introduction of the 2 types of projects: Junior Enterprise and External projects Admission to projects Rotterdam- Shanghai Joint projects Rotterdam Business School-IBMS Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT)

3 Presentatie titel Rotterdam, 00 januari 2007 Shanghai - Rotterdam PROGRAM: Introduction of the 2 types of projects: Junior Enterprise and External projects Features of the cooperation with Rotterdam Admission to projects Coaches: Anselm Vermuelen, Li Zhaoyang Joint projects

4 4 2 ECTs ( 1 ST semester) + 2 ECTs(2 nd semester) = 4 ECTs Junior Enterprise: building a Joint Junior Enterprise External project: a Joint consultancy for a Dutch company Every Thursday from 13:00 till 14: 45 in SA210 Every week at least 4 working hours after class is neccessary. This project will go through the whole school year Junior Enterprise and External projects

5 Junior enterprise starts as a project, but becomes a business after about 4-5 weeks 5 Students create a real business in legal form of relevant regulations including Dutch VOF and appoint a real management team Partners provide their own working capital: (min. € 100 up on, for the company) In the 1 st semester business plan will be written and be submitted soon after 1 st semester; in the 2 nd semester business operations are conducted and at the end the enterprise will be liquidated Junior enterprise purchases and sells products with the goal to make a good profit In the Junior Enterprise the student partners develop and show entrepreneurial competencies Junior Enterprise Manual is the Guiding Line Junior Enterprise and External projects Junior Enterprise:

6 External project: Junior Enterprise and External projects Students create their own consultancy organization External projects are based on a project mandate proposed by a real (Dutch) company or organization External projects follow the Prince2 method of project management Consultancy is non profit but may have commercial aspects (new development) External project manual is Guiding Line

7 Project manuals for both project types

8 Joint Junior Enterprises: Characteristics of our Joint projects with Rotterdam Student group in Shanghai and student group in Rotterdam form a Joint partnership company Both groups contribute to the working capital (contribution Shanghai has to be decided yet) Joint business model: both groups contribute to the profit of their company and benefit from it. A specific business model will have to be developed for each Joint partnership Shanghai and Rotterdam group write a joint business plan ( recommended) and develop joint administrative procedures The Rotterdam and Shanghai sections of the company communicate regularly through video conference, mail and Skype/msn. But Assessment is separately done by Shanghai coaches and Rotterdam coaches.

9 Joint External project: Characteristics of our Joint projects with Shanghai A group in Shanghai will work togather with Dutch company The Shanghai section of the firm represents the Dutch purpose/ company towards the China. This is part of their project mandate The Shanghai section will conduct their project as a Prince2 project The Shanghai sections of the company communicate with Dutch company regularly through video conference, mail and skype/msn. Assessment is separately done by Shanghai coaches and Dutch company.

10 Description Project Assignment: This project is meant to prepare a future range of projects who will deal with: 1.Shanghai side: Researching (parts of) the Yangtze area for issues related to environment and sustainability. You may think of air, water and soil pollution, water management, (industrial and household) waste management, energy (in)efficient energy production and consumption. What are the ‘hottest’ problem areas? 2.Rotterdam side: Find Dutch companies (preferably SME’s) and organizations who deal with sustainable products, technologies and solutions in the mentioned fields 3.Both sides: A: Try to find matches between local problem areas (cities/regions/sectors/companies) and Dutch sustainable companies. B: discuss problems and possibilities for Dutch companies to enter the Chinese market with their sustainable solutions (legal issues regarding market entry, Intelectual property rights etc.) C: Recommend with clear arguments a number of possible matches.. 10 Project 1. Sustainable Yangtze

11 11 Project 2. RS Vision Company and Project Assignment: This project is aimed at supporting the preparation of a major Wind energy exhibition in Shanghai at the end of May 2012. RS Vision is an exhibition and fair organizer which has taken the initiative to bring together Dutch companies in the field of wind energy and join forces to present themselves in particular on the Asian market. India, Korea and China are 3 countries who are planning to build major wind energy parks on- and off shore. For this purpose an association was build of 14 companies which will work together on the Asian market. The name of this consortium is Holland Home of Wind Energy (HHWE) and their website aimed at Asia is: The partners are mainly companies in the supporting industry of the major Wind park builders. Dutch companies are strong in supplying components and technology in this. “Up to 40 to 50% of the components in Northern European Wind energy parks come from The Netherlands”, according to Robert Schotema, Managing Director of RS Vision. The specific aim of the project will be to prepare a seminar or event during the Wind energy exhibition This seminar should deal with the availability and quality of educational facilities (universities and other professional education) in China and in The Netherlands, which educate the technical staff (engineers) who will design and build these Windmill parks. The seminar should attract companies, organizations, educational institutes and students. The partners in the HHWE consortium have a interest in such an event. Both the Rotterdam and Shanghai side should study: which companies and (government) organizations are involved in wind energy? which are relevant educational institutes, faculties, departments which deal with (aspects of) wind energy? where are they located? what is their specialism? How do their studies relate to wind energy? can we make a rating or ranking? is there already cooperation with companies/organizations involved in wind energy? how can students (beginning and master students be attracted towards winden ergy? etc..

12 Company and Project Assignment: Midwaste is association of regional waste collecting and processing organizations in the Netherlands. In the last decades the methods and technologies of separating, collecting, processing and reusing of garbage have made a big big leap forward in the Netherlands, leaving the country much cleaner than 30 years. A lot of these methods and technologies may be of interest to China, a country struggling with the huge effects of its rapid industrialization and urbanization with regard to waste disposal. In particular the European guideline on ‘Waste of Electronical and Electric Equipment ‘(WEEE) offers a new strong incentive to even further develop modern methods of waste disposal Earlier this year, among others, managers from the Shanghai department concerned with garbage disposal visited Midwaste. They were very interested in the methods of garbage disposal used by the Midwaste associates. There maybe a chance to ‘export’ these concepts to China, in particular Shanghai. The definite project proposal is still being studied by the Director of Midwaste and will be communicated to us at the end of this week or next week. 12 Project 3. Midwaste

13 Trip to Shanghai – May 2012

14 Let’s meet at the Bund !



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