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EMPATHY. WHAT IS IT em·pa·thy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another you can.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPATHY. WHAT IS IT em·pa·thy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another you can."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS IT em·pa·thy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another you can think through the experience of another by understanding it completely you can feel what another is feeling by immersing yourself completely in an experience

3 HOW YOU WILL USE IT needfinding: discovering people’s explicit and implicit needs so that you can meet them through your designs need: a physical, psychological or cultural requirement of an individual or group that is missing or not met through existing solutions

4 MEANING stories created to make sense of the experience MEANING stories created to make sense of the experience Types of needs USE the work to be accomplished USE the work to be accomplished USABILITY access to the use USABILITY access to the use

5 What is it you want to understand a user’s experience by learning about their lives. look for: what they say what they do what they say about what they do user A gap between what people say & do is a DESIGN OPPORTUNITY!!

6 WHY IT IS IMPORTANT you want to design something that will be used by people to design something that people will use, it has to fill a need and fit into their lives to design something meaningful you need to understand their lives, their behavior, their beliefs

7 WHAT TO seek out people are sense making….so get their stories notice the odd ball, the one who does not fit into the situation (and go talk to him/her) notice the master, someone who breezes through the situation (and go talk to him/her) body language and non-verbal cues

8 HOW TO seek attitude this is not about you. you want to design for others, and you don’t know what you don’t know. that means, you want to learn everything you can about them. respect: each person is an expert in his/her own life. treat each person and his/her viewpoint with respect. beginner’s eyes: view an experience as though it were your first time encountering it (pretend you are visiting from a foreign country). what is “normal” behavior?

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