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Nursing Assistant Monthly Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. December 2012 Working with families.

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1 Nursing Assistant Monthly Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. December 2012 Working with families

2 Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Building trust with families Starting off on the right foot  Understand possible emotions –Families may have mixed feelings about the move to long-term care Worry that their loved one will be unhappy “How will the staff treat my family member?” Relief that hands-on caregiving burden will be lifted Guilt for feeling relieved  Realize that conflicting feelings are normal –Offer support by being a good listener December 2012 Working with families 2

3 Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Connect with good communication Tips to consider  Keep the door open –Forget your assumptions Such as: “People from that part of town are____” –Try not to judge on your first impression –Don’t rely on others’ judgment of another person  Be aware of non-verbal signals –Body language is powerful December 2012 Working with families 3

4 Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. More on communication Tips to consider (cont’d)  Use “I” statements –They generally sound less hostile For example: “I would like you to tell me when there is a problem.” or “You should come to me first when there is a problem.” Which statement sounds more gentle?  Avoid “always” and “never” –They are usually not true anyway –For example: “You always show up late” Better: “I noticed that you were late three times this week.” December 2012 Working with families 4

5 Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Through their eyes A great communication skill to learn  Staying focused on the other person’s point of view –Imagine the situation from their eyes –Continue to express interest in how they see the situation  Conflict –Families under stress may have difficulty coping –It may come out as anger against staff –Always be professional in your responses –Don’t take it personally –Get help from the charge nurse or supervisor whenever necessary December 2012 Working with families 5

6 Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Involving families Families have a role to play  It takes time for them to figure out their new role  You can help by: –Asking them to tell you about the resident’s history and preferences –Help orient them to the surroundings Is it OK for them to bring in food for their loved one? Where is it kept? Can they take their family member for a walk? Where? Inform them of special events or activities December 2012 Working with families 6

7 Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Family’s new role Families need reassurance  Their caregiving has not ended, just changed  Ask, “What would you like to do when you visit your mom? –Some family members might like to: Be involved with personal care Read to the resident Go for walks Share a meal Watch a movie Attend an activity December 2012 Working with families 7

8 Copyright © 2012 Delmar, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Family involvement  Explain the possibilities  Allow them to decide how to spend their visiting time  Remember: –Their involvement may change as they become more comfortable –Help them to feel at ease with their new role December 2012 Working with families 8

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