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Code and Document Management Paul E. Reimer 21 June 2008.

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1 Code and Document Management Paul E. Reimer 21 June 2008

2 2 Paul E. Reimer Code and Document Management Document Management Fermilab Software DocDB Developed by BTeV, now widely used at Fermilab Archives and provides searchable access to documents For example, see Not yet set up for E906/Drell-Yan—we have a choice: 1.Run at Fermilab either on EPP small experiment server or on DocDB server Positive: Nothing for collaboration to maintain Negative: Access requires either DOE or Fermilab Kerberos certificate But there appears to also be a password-only version as well???? 2.Run DocDB on Drell-Yan web site Positive: access controlled via.htaccess file—simple password based system Negative: Need to have DocDB software installed and enabled web site (at Argonne in

3 3 21 June 2008Paul E. Reimer Code and Document Management Code Management Fermilab CVS server (Concurrent Versions System) More information on CVS at Manual at Server address is Web based access at public.cgi/?cvsroot=e906cvs public.cgi/?cvsroot=e906cvs We should host all our software in this central server fastMC (currently there) GEANT MC Analysis

4 4 21 June 2008Paul E. Reimer Code and Document Management Code Management CVS access based on either Fermilab Kerberos certificate –If you have a kerberized machine and a Fermilab Kerberos login, tell me and I will add your Kerberos principal to the authorized data base. –See mputing_at_Fermilab to get Fermilab computing account. This can be done remotely mputing_at_Fermilab ssh public/private key –Give me a copy of your ssh DSA public key and I will add it to the authorized data base –Under UNIX/LINUX give the command ssh-keygen –t dsa –This will create ~/.ssh/id_dsa and ~/.ssh/ –Protect ~/.ssh/id_dsa and send me ( ~/.ssh/

5 5 21 June 2008Paul E. Reimer Code and Document Management CVS session reimer@reimerlp2 ~/tmp $ export CVS_RSH=ssh reimer@reimerlp2 ~/tmp $ cvs -d checkout fastMC cvs checkout: Updating fastMC U fastMC/Makefile_acu U fastMC/dedx.f U fastMC/makefile U fastMC/mc_906.f U fastMC/random.f U fastMC/ U fastMC/ranluxseed.dat U fastMC/sigdy.f EDIT FILES/COMPILE/ETC. reimer@reimerlp2 ~/tmp $ cvs -d commit fastMCOR reimer@reimerlp2 ~/tmp $ cvs -d release fastMC You have [0] altered files in this repository. Are you sure you want to release directory `fastMC': yes reimer@reimerlp2 ~/tmp

6 6 21 June 2008Paul E. Reimer Code and Document Management Conclusion DocDB by BTeV hosted by computing division appears to be the best solution –if password issues can be worked out –I will initiate a “help ticket” on Monday at Fermilab to have DocDB repository for E906 e906cvs repository up an running –Currently only contains fastMC –We need to consider management strategy and rules CVS really only keeps track of what we’ve done, including our mistakes. It is not a substitute for good management Your input is appreciated!! –I will try to help with CVS issues, but other collaboration members have more experience than I do.

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