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Design With emphasis on home landscape. Landscape design is the art of organizing and enriching outdoor space through placement of plants and structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Design With emphasis on home landscape. Landscape design is the art of organizing and enriching outdoor space through placement of plants and structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design With emphasis on home landscape

2 Landscape design is the art of organizing and enriching outdoor space through placement of plants and structures in agreeable and useful relationship with the natural environment. Merely planting trees and shrubs is not landscaping. Designing a landscape is an art and it is based on elements and principles of design.

3 Landscape design considerations Visually pleasing Visually pleasing Cost Cost Functional Functional Maintainable Maintainable Environmentally sound and sustainable Environmentally sound and sustainable

4 Visually pleasing This is usually the primary concern for most homeowners. This is usually the primary concern for most homeowners. The selection of pleasing plants can be made such that they will have optimal hardiness, disease resistance, for lower maintenance costs and reduced product inputs. The selection of pleasing plants can be made such that they will have optimal hardiness, disease resistance, for lower maintenance costs and reduced product inputs. Make sustainable choices Make sustainable choices


6 Cost Cost should not dictate whether a landscape is functional, maintainable or environmentally sound. Cost should not dictate whether a landscape is functional, maintainable or environmentally sound. A sustainable landscape will often be less costly in the long run. A sustainable landscape will often be less costly in the long run.

7 Functional Has to do with the users of the landscape Has to do with the users of the landscape A functional landscape allows for the easy accomplishment of movement, work, recreation and leisure ( family activities) that occur in the landscape. A functional landscape allows for the easy accomplishment of movement, work, recreation and leisure ( family activities) that occur in the landscape.

8 Maintainable Means easier for landscape managers (usually the homeowner) to take care of. Means easier for landscape managers (usually the homeowner) to take care of. Good planning and plant selection will reduce effort and inputs Good planning and plant selection will reduce effort and inputs


10 Sustainability Select the right plant and place it in the right place. Select the right plant and place it in the right place. Design for plant health Design for plant health Design for lower heating and cooling costs Design for lower heating and cooling costs


12 Principles of design Scale Scale = proportion between two sets of dimensions Scale = proportion between two sets of dimensions Know the eventual or mature size (height and spread) of a plant when locating it near a building. Know the eventual or mature size (height and spread) of a plant when locating it near a building.

13 A small house in east Duluth

14 Principles of design Balance Pleasing integration of elements Pleasing integration of elements Parts being equal visual weight Parts being equal visual weight Can be symmetrical or formal Can be symmetrical or formal An axis with one side duplicated on the other An axis with one side duplicated on the other Can be asymmetrical Can be asymmetrical Using different objects to achieve equilibrium Using different objects to achieve equilibrium

15 Formal Formal

16 Informal

17 Principles of design Unity Group different parts of a design to appear as a single unit. Group different parts of a design to appear as a single unit. When one person designs a landscape this tends to be automatic When one person designs a landscape this tends to be automatic


19 Principles of design Rhythm A repetition of elements that leads the eye through the design. A repetition of elements that leads the eye through the design. Can be expressed in color as well as form Can be expressed in color as well as form

20 Principles of design Accent Skillful organization of parts will lead the eye to the focal point. Skillful organization of parts will lead the eye to the focal point.


22 Principles of design Repetition Subtly repeat design elements to achieve a sense of flow in the entire landscape. Subtly repeat design elements to achieve a sense of flow in the entire landscape.


24 Principles of design Simplicity Don’t try to fill every square foot, keep the landscape simple. Don’t try to fill every square foot, keep the landscape simple. Create some open spaces Create some open spaces


26 Principles of design Harmony Harmony is achieved through a pleasing arrangement of parts Harmony is achieved through a pleasing arrangement of parts

27 Elements of Design Space Space Land contour Land contour Plants Plants Rock or other manufactured hard building materials Rock or other manufactured hard building materials Water Water

28 Elements of Design Space The cubic space that humans inhabit, indoor and outdoor rooms. The cubic space that humans inhabit, indoor and outdoor rooms.

29 Elements of Design Land Contour.The shape of the land, hill, valley or level.The shape of the land, hill, valley or level Land can be sculpted to fit a family’s needs Land can be sculpted to fit a family’s needs

30 Elements of Design Plants Line Line Color Color Value: “Value does the work while color takes the credit” Value: “Value does the work while color takes the credit” Texture Texture Shape (2D) Shape (2D) Form (3D) Form (3D)

31 Elements of Design Rock

32 Elements of Design Water

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