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This research has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 211392 2010 Field.

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Presentation on theme: "This research has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 211392 2010 Field."— Presentation transcript:

1 This research has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 211392 2010 Field Trips

2 Household Surveys (WP6) Min 100 surveys per case study area Who: IVM/ CSP Dates – Costa Rica 12 Apr - 6 Jun – India 12 Apr - 6 Jun – Vietnam – South Africa 12 Apr - 6 Jun

3 Village Meetings (WP6) 2-4 village meetings per village (8-32 meetings) Who: IVM Stds/ CSP Dates – Costa Rica 10 Apr - 6 Jun – India 10 Apr - 6 Jun – Vietnam – South Africa 10 Apr - 6 Jun

4 Governance Interviews (WP6) 25-35 per case study area Who: IVM/CSPs Dates – Costa Rica 10 Apr - 6 Jun – India 10 Apr - 6 Jun – Vietnam 6 Sep -18 Oct – South Africa 10 Apr - 6 Jun

5 Scenarios Focus Groups (WP8/3) 20 per case study area Who: CSPs Dates – Costa Rica 2 Aug – 30 Sep – India 2 Aug – 30 Sep – Vietnam 2 Aug – 30 Sep – South Africa 2 Aug – 30 Sep

6 Governance Interviews (WP9) 10 - 20 per case study area Who: Dun/Liu/CSPs Dates – Costa Rica 16 - 27 Aug – India 19 – 31 Jul – Vietnam 13 – 24 Sep – South Africa 2 – 13 Aug

7 Public Beliefs, etc (WP4) PAR, interviews & choice experiments – 60-120 per case study area Who: CSPs Dates – Costa Rica 3 May – 30 Jul, & ??? – India 3 May – 30 Jul, & ?? – Vietnam 3 May – 30 Jul, & ??? – South Africa 12 Apr - 6 Jun, 26 Jul – 13 Aug

8 Interviews & FG (WP7) 5-50 Interviews and 8-16 FGs Dates – Costa Rica 3 May – 30 Jul – India 3 May – 30 Jul – Vietnam 3 May – 30 Jul – South Africa 26 Jul – 13 Aug

9 Work Package Activity Case Study/ Location AprilMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecJan Household Surveys (WP6) Costa Rica India Vietnam South Africa Village Meetings (WP6) Costa Rica India Vietnam South Africa Governance Interviews (WP6) Costa Rica India Vietnam South Africa Scenarios FGs (WP3/8) Costa Rica India Vietnam South Africa Governance Interviews (WP9) Costa Rica India Vietnam South Africa Public beliefs (WP4) Costa Rica India Vietnam South Africa Cultural-Spritual (WP7) Costa Rica India Vietnam South Africa Scenarios write-up (WP8) South Africa 3rd Consortium Meeting India

10 Outstanding issues Case study protocols Roles & responsibilities Stakeholder identification Translation Transcription Exchange of information Ethical considerations …?

11 This research has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 211392

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