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Geometry out of the Paper Dr. Jessica Purcell University of Texas at Austin An Introduction to Manifolds.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry out of the Paper Dr. Jessica Purcell University of Texas at Austin An Introduction to Manifolds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry out of the Paper Dr. Jessica Purcell University of Texas at Austin An Introduction to Manifolds

2 Based on map of St. Isidore of Seville 600-636 A.D. “The earth is named from its roundness (orbis) which is like a wheel. For the Ocean flows round it on all sides and encircles its boundaries.” 10 th Century Map

3 Dimension “measurement in length, width, and thickness”

4 0-dimensions A point. 1-dimension A line.

5 2-dimensions A plane. 2 coordinates: (x,y)

6 3-dimensions Space. 3 coordinates: (x,y,z)

7 4-dimensions ? Space and time. 4 coordinates: (x, y, z, w) 5-dimensions ? ? 5 coordinates: (x, y, z, w, t)

8 n-dimensional manifold Any point has a neighborhood that looks like a region in n-dimensional space. A circle is a 1-dimensional manifold. x 2 + y 2 = 1

9 A sphere is a 2-dimensional manifold. Sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1

10 3-Sphere 3-dimensional manifold x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + w 2 = 1

11 Manifold with boundary Every point has a neighborhood that either: looks like a region in n-dimensional space, or looks like a region in n-dimensional half space. A disk is a 2-manifold with boundary a circle.

12 Activity 1 Building manifolds.

13 Cylinder

14 Torus

15 Moebius Band - M. C. Escher

16 Klein Bottle

17 What’s the difference? Cylinder Two boundaries Two sides Moebius strip One boundary One side

18 What’s the difference? (II) Torus 0 boundaries 2 sides Klein bottle 0 boundaries 1 side

19 What’s the difference? (III) Sphere 0 boundaries 2 sides Torus 0 boundaries 2 sides

20 Break

21 Activity 2 Euler’s Formula

22 Example

23 v=3; e=3; f=2.

24 Answer to #7: 2 Is the answer really always 2, or did it just happen that none of us drew the right picture to get something besides 2? Mathematical proof: Show that no matter how many vertices, edges and faces we have, if we follow the rules, then v – e + f = 2

25 Cauchy’s Proof of Euler’s Formula If there is any face with more than 3 sides, draw a diagonal. Repeat. Eventually, everything is divided into triangles.

26 Cauchy’s Proof Continued Repeat the following two steps: 1.Remove triangles with one edge on the exterior. 2.Remove triangles with two edges on exterior.

27 Cauchy’s Proof Concluded You are left with triangles with 3 exterior edges only. This looks like my example.

28 Euler Characteristic for Moebius Strip v=? e=? f=? v – e + f = ?

29 Concluding Remarks To a bug on an n-dimensional manifold, the world looks n-dimensional. It is hard to tell manifolds apart when you’re standing inside them. Different manifolds have many different interesting properties. Keep exploring!

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