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TIA Presentation International Tourism Ongaro Anna – Petraglio Elena 25/11/2013.

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1 TIA Presentation International Tourism Ongaro Anna – Petraglio Elena 25/11/2013

2  The product  How does it work?  Implications in the travel industry  Competitor  Advantages/Disadvantages  Conclusion

3  Historically made for veterans  The tour shows the different stops  It can be set up geographically or historically  It can include music, video, pictures, description, etc…  It requires a Google account and the Google Earth desktop plug-in  It allows people to share experiences by social media:

4  It is essentially a structured, rich media version of the “My places” feature of Google Maps.  Our experiment:

5  People  to share their trip experiences.  OTAs and other travel product selling services  to create a Tour for every holiday package product.  Hotel chains  to map all hotels of a chain in the order of their opening. A visual “About us”.  Destination marketing  to show people the sights visited by walking tourists.

6  An interactive YouTube platform for the hotel industry (collaboration with Google)  It offers travelers a whole new way to plan and share their trips  The 1st custom-built YouTube brand channel in the hotel industry.  Main difference with Tour Builder: DTour has also a DoubleTree hotel search widget.

7 AdvantagesDisadvantages  New way of sharing  It can be used for tourism purposes (to make the destination more attractive)  It can be used for scholar purposes  Intuitive, interactive  New tool to master  Is it going to attract people?  Need to have a Google Account  Only shareable on 4 social media websites

8  A new trend  to inspire people to travel  User Generate Content  Sharing generation  New possibilities for the tourism sector  Beta version (development version)

9  Builder, T. (n.d.). Tour Builder - Put your story on the map. Retrieved from  Hosteltur. (2013, 11 14). Google lanza una nueva herramienta para crear tours. Retrieved from herramienta-crear-tours.html  Mashable. (2013, 11 18). Google Earth Intros Tour Builder, A Cooler Way To Tell Stories. Retrieved from tell-stories-with-google-earth/  System, G. O. (2013, 08 30). Google Earth Tour Builder. Retrieved from tour-builder.html  Tnooz. (2013, 11 12). Google wades into personal trip planning with Tour Builder. Retrieved from

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