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Oct 20, 2006Q2 ’07 Results1 NIIT Technologies Financial Results Analysis Quarter 2, 2007.

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1 Oct 20, 2006Q2 ’07 Results1 NIIT Technologies Financial Results Analysis Quarter 2, 2007

2 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 2 Outline Highlights –For the Quarter Financial Statements –Income Statement Business Analysis –Revenue Cuts –Order Book –Top clients –People Resources Shareholding Pattern

3 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 3 Highlights for the Quarter Consolidated Revenues at Rs 2199mn Up 15% QoQ, 49% YoY Operating profits at Rs 415Mn Up 14% QoQ, 59% YoY Margins at 19% Capacity utilization 81%, 76% last quarter Net Profits at Rs269Mn Up 23% QoQ, 78% YoY Margins at 12% EPS at Rs 6.96 JV with Adecco Fresh order intake of $42mn

4 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 4 Income Statement (Rs Mn)Q2’06Q1’07Q2’07YoY (%) QoQ (%) Revenues1475191021994915 Operating Expenses1214154717844715 Operating Profit2613634155914 OPM (%)1819 117 bps-9 bps Depreciation93120112 Other Income (net of interest)123524 Tax274552 PAT after Minority Interest1512182697823 Net Margins (%)101112202 bps83 bps EPS3.95.646.967823 DSOs at 69 days Cash & cash equivalents Rs 1774mn Term Loan availed Rs 525mn

5 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 5 Geographic Mix Europe contributes 50% of Revenues Q2’07 FY’06 Q1’07

6 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 6 Vertical Mix The focus verticals contribute 80% revenues FY06 Q1’07 Q2’07

7 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 7 Order Intake 5 new significant customers added for the quarter (1 Insurance, 1 BFS, 1 Transport, 2 Others) $ 42 mn intake in the quarter leading to $87mn of firm business executable over next 12 months

8 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 8 Top Client Mix Relationships strengthening Top 5 clients grow 12% QoQ & 38% YoY Top 10 grow 11% QoQ & 40% YoY Improving client balance trend Top 10 Top 20 Top 5 (%) Others 54 67 52 70 50 62

9 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 9 People Resources BPO Software Segmental Mix On-Offshore Mix Net addition of 300 people in the quarter Onsite Offshore 3848 Corp 24% 76% 3543 NTL 26% 10% 13% 9% 4148 7% 8% 25% 74% 75%

10 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 10 Shareholding Pattern

11 Oct 20, 2006 Q2 ’07 Results 11 Thank You

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