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Technology To Learn Mapping Grade 3 Social Studies (Mapping skills/Place)

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1 Technology To Learn Mapping Grade 3 Social Studies (Mapping skills/Place)

2 Why are you choosing this aspect of the curriculum to focus on? New to the grade (when I started the BluePrint)

3 Very few materials available (now I have Materials)

4 The unit offers cross curricular experiences

5 Student engagement

6 Allows me to meet the needs of all learners (Differentiated instruction) Carol Ann Tomlinson “Differentiation of Instruction in the Elementary Grades”

7 The class doesn’t respond well to a lecture approach. I am using a series of mini lessons based on the three part lesson model. introduction, exploration and conclusion/sharing time

8 Materials Some of the things I will be using are computers, maps, atlases, Google Earth, Globes, etc. The complete list of materials can be found on the website…..

9 How will technology support learners It will give them a choice of ways to share what they have learned (PowerPoint, Wordle, Toondoo, Comic Life, etc.). It will allow me to engage students in solving problems, making decisions and exploring intriguing questions. (Marc Prensky, “Engage Me Or Enrage Me.”)

10 It allows students to explore, research, invent, play and create. (Ken Robinson) (Stuart Brown)

11 It will allow me to use Differentiating instruction, (creating multiple paths so that students of different abilities, interest or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to absorb, use, develop and present concepts as a part of the daily learning process). (Carol Ann Tomlinson)

12 How I will connect to all learners The unit is designed to work with learners of all levels. (IPP, Adaptations)

13 Less pencil/paper work and more hands on. (exploring the concept to learn).

14 Lessons will be delivered in a variety of ways PowerPoint, videos, students exploring websites, etc.

15 How will you show evidence of student success? Direct Evidence: students show their mastery of learning goals through the demonstration of knowledge, skills, etc. Indirect Evidence: general perception or comparison data that allows you to make inferences about learning, but does not demonstrate actual learning.

16 Direct Evidence The students will be able to use Google Earth and Google maps independently. They will show greater knowledge of basic map skills and how a compass rose works. They will show a greater understanding of the unit being taught. They will be able to locate their province in the Atlantic Region, Canada, North America and the World.

17 Indirect Evidence Student Surveys Class Grades for this subject area They will be more engaged in the lessons.

18 Content to be covered Handouts Online Video PowerPoints Google Earth (downloaded on all lab computers) Toondoo ( Google Maps The online compass and mapping symbols game found here and e.html e.html Neighborhood Map Machine 2.0 (software on classroom laptop) for group lessons about compass directions, reading maps and creating maps. GPS units (how to use and a treasure hunt activity). The book “Follow That Map,” by Scot Ritchie.

19 Assessment materials Class checklists Rubrics I will give them their choice of using Toondoo, PowerPoint or Word to make short stories or reports about what they have learned in this unit. My struggling learners (IPP and Adaptations) can create this report by doing a video or audio recording of themselves talking about what they have learned. Student interviews Journals

20 Outcomes TTLM covers social studies, math, language arts and ICT outcomes. htm

21 The Lessons They will be taught using a 3 part lesson format (introduction, exploration and conclusion/sharing) Designed to be simple to follow and use. Student exemplars are included with those that need it. Links to rubrics included. m

22 That’s All Folks

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