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Microsoft Innovative Teacher Awards READ THIS CAREFULLY The following slides provide you with guidelines for the content of your Innovative Teacher Awards.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Innovative Teacher Awards READ THIS CAREFULLY The following slides provide you with guidelines for the content of your Innovative Teacher Awards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Innovative Teacher Awards READ THIS CAREFULLY The following slides provide you with guidelines for the content of your Innovative Teacher Awards entry. 1)The final presentation should NOT exceed 5 Mb 2)Media files (optional) may be sent separately and should also not exceed 5Mb per file. These media files could be hyperlinked to run from a separate file in the same folder 3)You may add slides, images and effects as long as you observe the 5Mb file size limit – BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU CAN 4)You may change font attributes but we recommend that you apply the following guidelines: No more than 6 points per slide; no more than 20 words per point 5)To achieve a balance between maximum appeal and minimum file size we recommend that you compress all images in the document to 96dpi (Format | Picture | Compress) 6)Use this template in conjunction with the judging criteria to be found at Save this presentation in the 2003 format if you are using Office 2007.

2 Place your innovation title here NOTE: You must complete each field on this page Write your name here Write your school name here Write the grade and learning area / subject of your innovation here Write your email address here Write your telephone contact here (preferably cell number) What category(ies) best describe this entry: Community, Collaboration or Content

3 Use this slide to clearly state the learning outcomes / objectives and how they have been achieved by the learners.

4 Learning Tasks and Activities Use this slide (or more) to explain what the learners did and how they were actively challenged by tasks. Evaluation criteria: Tasks are appropriately challenging, requiring learners to participate actively and manage tasks efficiently. There is a logical progression from activity to activity within the innovation.

5 Teaching and Learning Strategies Use this slide (or more) to explain how learners are engaged by the an innovative teaching strategy Evaluation criteria: Instructional and pedagogical strategies adopted are well-thought out and engage learners in their learning in innovative ways.

6 Relevance of ICT Tools Use this slide (or more) to explain how ICT enhanced the learning process Evaluation criteria: All the ICT tools used are relevant to the tasks and mediate and enhance the activities in the learning environment.

7 Innovative use of ICT Tools Use this slide (or more) to explain how ICT enhanced the learning process Evaluation criteria: The use of the ICT tools is innovative and significantly transforms classroom practices.

8 Educator as a Change Agent and/or Learner as change agent Use this slide (or more) to explain how you and/or your learners have affected others positively through this innovation Evaluation criteria: The educator is engaging and inspiring, and has motivated and impacted learners, colleagues and school community

9 Most appropriate category from your entry Your entry stands the best chance of selection if it can fit into at least one of these themes: Community – your innovation reaches out to the community beyond your classroom Collaboration – your innovation involves collaboration with other learners and teachers Content – your innovation results in the creation of learning content that is reusable by others Use this slide to explain briefly, but clearly, which category(ies) your project best represents. Give reasons for your decision.

10 Lastly, if you have not already made it perfectly clear to us, tell us why you think that what this presentation described is truly innovative. Once you have completed this template save it, using your full name as the file name. Send it to: With the subject line: ITA 2009 Entry

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