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Case 5 Drinking and Vandalism on Trial

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1 Case 5 Drinking and Vandalism on Trial
Carlos Sandoval, Areli Tarango Case 5 Drinking and Vandalism on Trial Brown v. The Bixby Frog Festival Planning Committee

2 Facts of the Case On Saturday a festival in Bixby state was going to be held by some participants, public and from around the area. The committees spec teed people to join them from every area, the money raised was going to be used to build a playground, recreation center. All eight committees were build of restaurants, liquors, and voluntary people that has willing to willing to help. All the committees thought that checking for alcohol minors didn’t matter for just a day and that it was their big party celebrating their 20th year. One stood up from the committee.

3 Facts of the Case Four High School, from the ages of 17 and 18, where planning to go to the festival. They go to the big party at 10:30 a.m., every liquor stand was ready or meaning refreshment stands. They were Michael, Yvonne, Judy, Steve. They started by getting a beer each at the stand, they realize that the stand did not checked for ID’s so they kept drinking till Yvonne cut her foot and was bleeding bad. They saw a cabin and break in with out thinking. Yvonne passed with Judi and both hurry to the bath to get a banded it for Yvonne foot. While that the blood was in floor and carpet. Also Michael and Steve looked for beer not finding started to get mad and messing the kitchen up till the found some bottles of wine. They each got one, and started a pillow fight and they destroy the cabin that they broke into because of bad CHOICES THEY MADE FORM THE START. All four got scare and wasted or may I said very drunk left the cabin and Michael was driving.

4 Relevant Facts of the Case
The key figures are the two gentleman and the two young ladies. Names Michael, Yvonne, Judy, Steve. Every one participating on the festival but specially the committee. Every one who notice but didn’t stop it or call the police right in that moment. four young teens decisions and wrong choices.

5 Affidavits and Depositions
Every one was invited to the festival, the stands, the committee, they police, specially the government. Not checking for ID’s Not being responsible/irresponsible Bad decisions/bad choices/consequences

6 Applicable laws o this case
Persons under 21; illegal acts related to alcohol Subdivision 1. consumption Subdivision 2. purchasing and providing Subdivision 3. possession Civil damages act (1994) Subdivision 1. cause of action

7 Relevant Information Everyone who has the chance to prevent teens from getting drunk or drink alcohol do it. Teens don’t think the consequences while they are in the influence of alcohol. So parents and grown ups think after them, raised them good, check them, and put limits onto their actions.

8 Carlos Sandoval and Areli Tarango
Declared the festival and liquor stores guilty of every charged applied, with no fines.

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