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Species at Risk New Brunswick. Canada Lynx Description & Biology Medium size Grey-brown fur Inclined posture Long pointed tuffs on ears Entirely dark-tipped.

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1 Species at Risk New Brunswick

2 Canada Lynx Description & Biology Medium size Grey-brown fur Inclined posture Long pointed tuffs on ears Entirely dark-tipped tail Large paws

3 Canada Lynx Habitat & Survival Boreal forest Area of dense vegetation and shrubbery Population influenced by snowshoe hare

4 Canada Lynx Distribution Population size and trends poorly understood More occurrence in the north of province NB is near the southern limit of distribution

5 Harlequin Duck Description & Biology Small size Distinct colours and patterns Blue-grey plumage, chestnut flanks and white patches on head (male) Dusky brown, white patches behind, below and in front of eye (female) Adult plumage by age 2

6 Harlequin Duck Habitat & Survival Forge in turbulent waters Winter they live on the exposed rocky shores of the coast Mollusks and crustaceans primary food source Migrate north in Spring to nest Feed on aquatic insect larvae 4-8 eggs Return to same wintering area each year

7 Harlequin Duck Distribution Winters in NB Bay of Fundy area and central northern NB Breeding (rivers in Quebec and NFLD) Atlantic and Pacific coast occurrences

8 Cougar Description & Biology Biggest of North American cat family 2m in length Tan in colour Long cylindrical tail with black tip

9 Cougar Habitat & Survival Western part of NB Tend to occupy forests where human disturbances are minimal Solitary except in mating season Male occupy regions from 200-1800Km² Moose and deer main food source Other – hares, porcupines, mice and birds

10 Cougar Distribution Sightings are rare in NB Deersdale sighting in ’92 Maine/Quebec border in ’83 Kent County shooting in ’32 Most extensive range of any mammal in western hemisphere

11 Piping Plover Description & Biology Small bird Orange-yellow legs Black band on forehead Black collar around neck Male features more distinguishable than female Body colour of pale sand (camouflage) Black speckled eggs (camouflage) 4 eggs, incubated by both parents for 1 month

12 Piping Plover Habitat & Survival Gravel-sand beaches in NB Nests are scratches in the ground, among pebbles and driftwood Feed on small crustaceans, marine worms, sea fleas and fly larvae (mud flats)

13 Piping Plover Distribution Northumberland Strait NB Acadian Peninsula Bay of Fundy Grand Manan Island Migrate south at summer’s end – NC and FL

14 Peregrine Falcon Description & Biology Bird of prey Size of crow Female 1/3 size of male Slate-blue with white dusty underbelly Barred on chest, belly and flanks Black moustache on head Soar at great heights with agility and speed for hunting prey Hunts in open areas – marshes, shores or clearings 3-4 eggs in spring

15 Peregrine Falcon Habitat & Distribution Nests on cliffs, towers or office buildings Saint John - Harbor Bridge nest site Dramatic declines in ’60’s DDT use Program in ’82 introduced bird to Bay of Fundy 10 pairs expected to nest a year in NB

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