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Sexual Morality.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Morality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Morality

2 The Traditional View of Sexual Morality
All sex outside marriage is wrong View that everything in nature has a purpose, derived from Aristotle and Aquinas The purpose of human beings is to engage in fully human love, which must accompany sex and be conducted within marriage

3 The Libertarian View of Sexual Morality
Sex is an activity like any other Standards for morality are no different from other activities Defense of sexual libertarianism: why shouldn’t sex be treated like any other activity?

4 Issues to consider in this debate
Venereal diseases and AIDS? Threats to the family? Personal fulfillment? Naturalness?

5 “Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics” The Vatican
Teachings rely on natural law, which provides objective standards for how people should behave Values are innate in human nature Human reason and divine revelation are used to recognize and develop these values Values are immutable and do not change Immoral: premarital sex, having children outside of marriage, homosexual acts, masturbation

6 “Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person” Thomas A
“Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person” Thomas A. Mappes Sexual morality analyzed in terms of Kant’s principle that persons should be respected as ends in themselves. “Voluntary informed consent” identifies when people are not being used merely as a means Consent requirement violated when there is deception or dishonesty in relationships

7 “Should a Feminist Choose a Marriage-Like Relationship” Marjorie Weinzweig
Paradox Feminist goal of autonomous self-development conflicts with the structure and context of marriage-like relationships Development of autonomous individuality is best promoted by living in a committed relationship Three stages of self-development: Inauthenticity Autonomous being oneself Autonomous being with others

8 “The Case for Lesbian and Gay Marriage” Richard D. Mohr
Traditional definitions of “marriage” could accommodate same-sex couples Progress toward justice for all should now include marriage for same-sex couples Same-sex marriages promote further improvement in society’s understanding of marriage in general

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