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Instructor Ethics Instructor seminars 2013. GAP FIG – Initial issue The relationship between you and the student has a profound impact on how much,

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor Ethics Instructor seminars 2013. GAP FIG – Initial issue The relationship between you and the student has a profound impact on how much,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor Ethics Instructor seminars 2013


3 GAP FIG – Initial issue The relationship between you and the student has a profound impact on how much, and what, the student learns Consider your own experiences with your first flight instructor. You probably thought your instructor was the best, and you probably strove to emulate and please your instructor

4 The power and impact of role modeling must not be underestimated Professionalism, sincerity, personal appearance and habits, safety and accident prevention, self improvement The instructor directs and controls the student’s behaviour, guiding them toward their goals, by creating an environment that enables the student to help themselves

5 To students, the instructor is a role model, a symbol of authority Students expect you to exercise certain controls, and they recognise and submit to authority as a valid means of control The controls the instructor exercises – how much- how far- to what degree – should be based on generalisations of motivated human behaviour

6 Your ingenuity must be used in discovering how to realise the potential of the student. The responsibility rests squarely on you. If the student is perceived as lazy, indifferent, unresponsive, uncooperative or antagonistic, the cause may lie in your methods of control The raw material is there, and the shaping and directing of it lies in the hands of those who have the responsibility of controlling it

7 Flying is a great way of life for men who want to feel like boys, but not for those who still are.

8 Similar type ratings Rule 61.55(d) allows for an aircraft type rating to include any other aircraft, if in the opinion of the qualified flight instructor, the type is so similar as to require no further conversion instruction or type competency demonstration. The flight instructor must endorse the logbook with the type and submit to the Director a certified copy of the logbook entry.

9 The decision on similar type is entirely the responsibility of the qualified flight instructor who is current on type and conversant with the experience and ability of the candidate. Group rating system applicability 61.5(o) A Category instructors

10 ‘Multi engine Instrument Rating for India’ Think about what you sign Documents that have no legal standing NZ credibility/your credibility Interpretation Reason documents copied to CAA Fonterra analogy

11 With respect to the circuit… …and giving a requested position report prior to landing “XYZ finals 18” “XYZ final 18”

12 Radiotelephony Grammar Clear correct concise Standard phraseology

13 X/C training skills

14 Basic skills and awareness Tracking a line feature A – B tracking – maintain separation Eyes outside – GPS an aid Cruising levels - >3000’ NOSE +500’ Basic dead reckoning skill








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23 Does your behaviour/knowledge cover the discussed principles? How professional are you? Do I need to do better with my instructional example?



26 Discussion/questions

27 Physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play. Work may be a source of satisfaction and, if so, will be performed voluntarily A human being will exercise self-direction and self control in the pursuit of goals to which they have committed themselves Commitment to a goal relates directly to the perceived reward for achievement, the most significant of which is satisfaction of ego

28 Shirking responsibility and lack of ambition are not inherent in human nature. They are usually the consequence of experience The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity and creativity in the solution of common problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population Under the conditions of modern life, the intellectual potential of the average human being is only partially used

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