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Vaishnava Etiquette & Nectar of Devotion Part 8 Cleanliness & Hygiene Happiness in Krsna Consciousness.

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1 Vaishnava Etiquette & Nectar of Devotion Part 8 Cleanliness & Hygiene Happiness in Krsna Consciousness

2 Mangalacharan verse 9 namo gaura-kiçoräya säkñäd-vairägya-mürtaye vipralambha-rasämbhode pädämbujäya te namaù SYNONYMS namah—obeisances; gaura-kiçoräya—unto Gaurakisora däsa Babäjé säksät—directly; vairägya—renunciation; mürtaye—unto the personified; vipralambha-(of) separation (from Kåñëa); rasa- (of) the mellow; ambhodhe—O ocean; päda-ambujäya—unto the lotus feet; te— your; namaù—obeisances. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances unto Gaura-kiçora däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja [the spiritual master of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté], who is renunciation personified. He is always merged in a feeling of separation and intense love of Kåñëa.

3 Cleanliness & Hygiene Wearing fresh clothes in temple. Area of taking Prasadam – clean after Prasadam is over. Not to step over the area. Wash hand and feet, rinse mouth after eating. No entering temple without this after eating. In general also, before entering temple wash hands and feet – tradition in many temples. After passing stool, brushing teeth, clipping nails or cutting hair – must take bath before entering in temple.

4 Cleanliness & Hygiene After visiting crematorium or touching dead body – must take proper bath along with clothes washed immediately. Try not to belch or pass air in temple hall. Avoid putting finger in nose, mouth or ears in the temple – if outside the temple compelled to do so, wash hands immediately.

5 Cleanliness & Hygiene Ladies can visit temple during menstrual periods, but avoid doing any service like, deity dressing, cooking, making garlands etc. – any direct service to deities or presence in deity room or kitchen. Ladies during this period should avoid any physical contact with anyone who will be doing direct service to deities. Attend Tulsi Puja – but do not water Tulsi plant. Japa should go on under all circumstances. At home also try following this standard if possible – men should help to follow this.

6 Nectar of Devotion – Ch.1 Characteristics of devotional service are described by Rüpa Gosvämé with evidences from different scriptures. (1) Pure devotional service brings immediate relief from all kinds of material distress. (2) Pure devotional service is the beginning of all auspiciousness. (3) Pure devotional service automatically puts one in transcendental pleasure. (4) Pure devotional service is rarely achieved. (5) Those in pure devotional service deride even the conception of liberation. (6) Pure devotional service is the only means to attract Kåñëa.

7 Happiness in Kåñëa Consciousness Mayavadi sannyasis fall down to material platform to engage in material activities – no happiness in impersonal understanding of Absolute Truth. However alluring and attracting they may be, a devotee always knows that no material welfare activities can compare to the spiritual activity of Kåñëa consciousness. The mystic perfections achieved by actually successful yogis & also by modern scientist.

8 Temporary Happiness After comparing all these mystic yoga-siddhis to materialistic perfections, we find that the materialistic scientists try for the same perfections. Of course, in the categories of mystic perfection there are certain processes which the material scientists have not yet been able to develop – laghimä – enter in Sun Planet, präpti-siddhi – touch moon, éçitä - create and destroy an entire planet simply at will, vaçitä - bring anyone under his control, this is a kind of hypnotism which is almost irresistible, präkämya - power one can achieve anything he likes, (e.g.water from eyes and going back in eyes), the highest perfection of mystic power kämävasäyitä permits one to contradict nature – to do impossible. Of course, one can derive great amounts of temporary happiness by achieving such yogic materialistic perfections.

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