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United States Territories Alaska Hawaii

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1 United States Territories Alaska Hawaii
By Hannah Jones SB1

2 There is other land that the USA owns that are not states.
Territories There is other land that the USA owns that are not states.

3 List of Territories owned by US
Puerto Rico Guam The Virgin Islands Northern Mariana Islands American Samoa

4 Alaska Stats Population:731,449 Governor : Sean Parnell
Representative: Donald Young Area: 663,300 sq.miles Capital: Junea

5 Alaska's History Alaska was purchased in from Russia. It became a U.S. Territory in No one thought it was a good idea to buy it. They thought is was just a big block of ice that we spent so much money on. Seward turned out to be right buying it when they found a whole bunch of gold up there.

6 Alaska's Geography Alaska is bordered by different water sources. North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean Alaska is made up of lots of ice, snow, mountains, and glaciers. It's tallest mountain is Mount McKinley, at 20,320 feet. The longest river is the Yukon river. The largest island is Kodiak, in the Gulf of Alaska, with 3,588 square miles.

7 Hawaii Stats Population: 1.392 million Governor:Neil Abercrombie
Representatives: Tulsi Gabbard, Colleen Hanabusa Area: 6,423.4 sq. mi. Capital: Honolulu

8 Hawaii's History Interest in Hawaii started around 1820s
QUEEN LILIUOKALANI Americans overthrew the queen and took over Hawaii. Lots of American have moved there It was a perfect place for a military port

9 Hawaii's Geography Hawaii's highest point is Mauna Kea at 13,796 feet.
Six main islands Volcanos Beaches Tropical climate Lots of tropical vegetation

10 The End

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