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Mapping local market practice to ISO The role of SMPG

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1 Mapping local market practice to ISO The role of SMPG
AMEDA Leadership Forum – 29th April 2009 John Falk

2 Three major trends affecting Securities Market Infrastructures (SMI)
Focus on core business to develop added-value services for their user-community Internationalisation of their landscape participants and new competitors Drive towards full Straight Through Processing to decrease risk and processing costs Globalisation Deeper financial markets promote cross-border flows Harmonisation Markets become more accessible Consolidation Participants are amalgamating horizontally across geographies Regulation Supervisory burdens are becoming heavier increasing capital costs. Growing importance of international market practices and standards (ISO 15022, ISO 20022) in a domestic market AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

3 Increases Costs Increases Risk
SMI participants have to deal with different Standards, Messaging & Connectivity SMI Participant Securities Market Infrastructures Increases Costs Increases Risk Standards: ISO ISO Syntax Messaging: one by one, FT, authentification, integrity, message retrieval, audit trail, store & forward AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

4 Single Window from SWIFT, same Standards, Messaging and Connectivity
SMI Participant Securities Market Infrastructures AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

5 Why Standardize? Increased cost Missed opportunity

6 SMPG AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

7 Standards at Work: SMPG
Securities Market Practice Group Create globally agreed harmonized market practices which, integrated with standards, will bring the securities industry closer to achieving STP. Standards STP Market Practice AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

8 SMPG Activities Organize national market practice groups
Collate national market practice rules Define cross-border market practice rules Harmonize market practice differences Publish market practice rules Identify conformance mechanisms AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

9 SMPG Countries Representatives from National Market Practice Groups (NMPGs), now established in 39 markets, represent their countries at the Global SMPG level Americas: AR*, BR, CA, CL*, CO*, EC*, MX, PE*, UR*, US, VE* EMEA: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, EG, ES, FI, FR, GR, GB, IS, IE, IL, IT, LU, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, TR, UA, ZA, Euroclear, Clearstream Asia/Pacific: AU, CN, HK, IN, JP, KR, NZ, SG, TH, TW * Countries where SMPG is working on the creation of a NMPG AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

10 National Market Practice Groups and Convenors
SMPG Organization Steering Committee National Market Practice Groups and Convenors Broker/dealers, investment managers, custodians, depositories, regulators, and vendors The goal: To standardize market practices and message formats AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

11 Securities Market: Equities and Fixed Income
Pre-trade / Trade Post-trade Buyer Corporate actions Pre- settlement Reconciliation Proxy voting Seller Corporate actions Pre- settlement Reconciliation This gives an overview of message flows for the equities, fixed income and listed options. Today with FIN messages – and these are represented with the orange arrows, we have messages for pre trade, post trade, pre-settlement and reconciliation. Plus what we call corporate actions. In other words, we have FIN or messages, as we sometimes refer to them, covering the entire securities trade lifecycle. We have also been working in the pre-trade area to produce XML standards – the new standard. The messages, exchanged between buy-side and sell-side firms include: The Indication of interest, the quote, the order, the execution and the pre-allocation. The work we have done in the pre-trade / trade area is the result of a joint project with FIX. This was carried out in the context of working group 10, part of ISO. We expect to continue working in other areas with respect to the development of standards. We are currently working with the market to develop MX messages for proxy voting which will be available Q1 next year for piloting. CSD Settlement Reconciliation Custodian Clearing agent AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

12 SMPG process Publication Review, discussion & refinement
Collate common elements, specify additional country requirements, identify further opportunities for harmonization Analyze & document local practices Securities Market Practice Group (SMPG) Administration National Market Practice Groups (NMPG) AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

13 Prerequisites for sharing
Shared vision Common understanding Perceived benefit Champion/s AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

14 Mapping examples / Access Comments
AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

15 Broker-dealers 62 Brokers
Today Broker-dealers 62 Brokers MCDR/NIT

16 Tomorrow - STP MCDR/NIT Corporate Insurance companies Broker-dealers
Banks Investment managers Stock Exchanges Depositories Trustees Clearing systems Payment systems Settlement systems Government institutions MCDR/NIT

17 Securities Settlement flows (Phase1)
Buyer’s Investment Manager Seller’s Investment Manager Buyer’s Broker Seller’s Broker MT 547 MT 543 MT 541 MT 545 MT 547 MT 543 MT 541 MT 545 MT 543 MT 541 MT 545 MT 547 Custodian Buyer’s Buyer’s Broker’s Clearing Agent Seller’s Broker’s Clearing Agent Seller’s Custodian MT 541 MT 547 MT 545 MT 543 MT 543 MT 541 MT 541 MT 543 MT 547 MT 547 MT 545 Central Bank MT 202 (RTGS) MT 545 AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009 MCDR MT012(RTGS)

18 AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009
Zoom: barrières #1 & #3 B1 B3 Les barrières 1 et 3 ont aussi été positionnées en haut du classement en termes des coûts qu’elles génèrent pour l’industrie. AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009 Source : First Giovannini Report on EU Clearing & Settlement Arrangements

19 AMEDA Leadership Forum 29th April 2009

20 Mapping local market practice to ISO The role of SMPG
AMEDA Leadership Forum – 29th April 2009 John Falk

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