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The New Deal Coalition & Opposition What political forces bring the New Deal together and why do some oppose it? R. Brown 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Deal Coalition & Opposition What political forces bring the New Deal together and why do some oppose it? R. Brown 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Deal Coalition & Opposition What political forces bring the New Deal together and why do some oppose it? R. Brown 2008

2 What we are trying to accomplish Use a simple logical progression to impart understanding of a complex era Breaking down into a series of common pieces or parts that are used to build conceptual understanding and evaluation Analyze three documents that are crucial to understanding the impact of the New Deal R. Brown 2008

3 The Schedule Intro / Background Indirect Causes Direct Causes Events Impact Good / Bad? R. Brown 2008

4 Introduction FDR brought in a new type of administrator to the federal government. Instead of the uber-wealthy patrician, he brought in Ivy Leaguers and social reformers. Their underlying philosophy was that the national government had the right and duty to intervene in the economy to improve the lives of Americans. These reformers were not necessarily political or economic ideologues, but were pragamatists. They tried something, if it didn’t work then they tried something else. R. Brown 2008

5 Introduction Perhaps the only common vein running through FDR’s Brain Trust was that they did not believe in pure laissez faire economics. Rather they believed generally that the government had more responsibility than under the “old” system but were at odds over exactly how. There were anti-trust men, there were men who wanted central economic planning, and there were others who wanted the government and business to cooperate. R. Brown 2008

6 What brings together a diverse collection of groups to support the New Deal? R. Brown 2008

7 Indirect Causes Forgotten Man African-Americans Southerners Ethnic Northerners Catholics Jews R. Brown 2008

8 Direct Causes Impact of Depression Eleanor Roosevelt Brain Trust African-American Vote R. Brown 2008

9 Events I think we have seen enough of this to call it quits for a while There is more to come though R. Brown 2008

10 Impact Creation of Alphabet agencies Attempts to ease the depression Improvement in unemployment and GNP Unfairness in implementation of programs R. Brown 2008

11 Blessing or Burden? Was the New Deal a blessing or a burden? Was it good or bad? If you were the President during the Depression what would you do? R. Brown 2008

12 Anti-New Deal or More New Deal? Opposition to New Deal from Left and Right R. Brown 2008

13 Reasons of Opposition Left New Deal didn’t do enough Relief was run through local pols The rich had not been reigned in Right Was too socialistic Cost too much Communists in WPA FDR being dictatorial R. Brown 2008

14 Huey P Long The King Fish Every Man a King Share Our Wealth Tax the hound out of the wealthy Assassinated in the La State House R. Brown 2008

15 Every Man a King ARTIST What is meant by the motto “Every Man a King”? How will every man become a king? What are the parts of this plan? Where did all of the problems stem from? R. Brown 2008

16 Father Coughlin & Dr Townshend Microphone Messiah Social Justice Program Old Age pensions R. Brown 2008

17 Father Coughlin ARTIST He lists 15 things that are social justice, what do they have in common? How does the National Union feel about private property? What do they want to do with utilities? How long will this movement take to accomplish? R. Brown 2008

18 Dr. Townshend ARTIST Why do old people need pensions? How will this program be funded? How does the good doctor see our attitude toward government as wrong? R. Brown 2008

19 Impact of anti-New Dealers Curbing of New Deal by 1936 Congressional controls Court Packing fiasco Will see this in a little bit Southern opposition to civil rights clauses R. Brown 2008

20 Anti-New Dealers Burden or Blessing? Did they do good or bad? If you had been the President what would you have done in response to their attacks? R. Brown 2008

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