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Philosophy 3 Literature Drama Historians Alexander The Great Legacies Important Places Potpourri 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400.

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy 3 Literature Drama Historians Alexander The Great Legacies Important Places Potpourri 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy 3 Literature Drama Historians Alexander The Great Legacies Important Places Potpourri 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400

2 He was sentenced to death for his teachings. Socrates 100

3 He wrote the Odyssey. Homer 100

4 The two types of drama. Comedy & Tragedy 100

5 He was known as the “Father of History.” Herodotus 100

6 Alexander built this great city in Egypt. Alexandria 100

7 This time period produced a great body of scientific, artistic and literary achievements. Hellenistic Era 100

8 This building was Alexandria’s finest. The Library of Alexandria 100

9 Aristotle taught his students to follow this. The Golden Mean 200

10 He is best known for his famous fables. Aesop 200

11 Movies and plays would be modern examples of this Greek creation. Drama 200

12 He was considered the greatest historian of ancient times. Thucydides 200

13 Alexander’s teacher Aristotle 200

14 He developed plane geometry; how points, lines, and angles are related. Euclid 200

15 Alexander the Great was born here. Macedonia 200

16 He taught that absolute right and wrong did exist. Socrates 300

17 Dramatist who questioned traditional thinking about war. Euripides 300

18 He wrote plays that made fun of politicians. Aristophanes 300

19 The book Herodotus is best known for. The History of the Persian War 300

20 This modern country made up the eastern border of Alexander’s empire. Pakistan 300

21 Aristarchus made this discovery.. Heliocentrism – the earth revolves around the sun 300

22 Philip II defeated the Greeks here to unite the city-states. Chaeronea 300

23 He taught happiness comes from spending time with friends Epicurus 400

24 He wrote Oresteia. Aeschylus 400

25 The first playwright to use props and put scenery behind the actors on stage. Sophocles 400

26 The book Thucydides is best known for. The History of the Peloponnesian War 400

27 Alexander’s famous horse; he named a city after this loyal partner Bucephalos 400

28 He is known as the “father of medicine.” Hippocrates 400

29 The names of the two schools founded by Plato and Aristotle The Academy and the Lyceum 400

30 The chief god of the Greeks. Zeus 100

31 The “brightest” of the Seven Wonders. The Lighthouse at Alexandria 200

32 He tries to warn the Athenians that Philip II was a threat. Demosthenes 300

33 Philosophers believed this about the human mind. It could understand anything 400

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