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© Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 Objective: Know common equivalent fractions and decimals.

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Presentation on theme: "© Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 Objective: Know common equivalent fractions and decimals."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 Objective: Know common equivalent fractions and decimals

2 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 On a sheet of A3 paper, draw a line 40cm long. Now divide it in half; write ½ below the line and 0.5 above the line. ½ 0.5

3 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 Subdivide the line to mark on tenths as fractions below the line and decimals above it. ½ 0.5 What fraction is the same as 0.1? 0.9? 0.2? 0.20.1 0.9

4 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 How else can we write 2 / 10 ? ½ 0.5 0.20.1 0.9 2 / 10 Mark on the other fifths, then agree with your partner the equivalent decimal. 1/51/5 2 / 10 1/51/5

5 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 On a new sheet of A3 paper, draw a new line and mark on 0, ¼, ½, ¾ and 1 below the line. 0 ¾¼ ½ 1 What is half of 0.5? Where will it belong on this line? What is the equivalent decimal for ¾? What is half of ¼ and its decimal equivalent? Let’s work out and mark the all the eighths on this line… 0.25 0.75 0.125 1/81/8

6 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 3 Week 6 Day 3 Let’s use your number lines to play Dartboard Fractions!

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