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Copyright Ernsperger Reactive Programs Module Fourteen.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Ernsperger Reactive Programs Module Fourteen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Ernsperger Reactive Programs Module Fourteen

2 Copyright Ernsperger Review Compliance training Non-compliance is a learned behavior Forced choices and choice-making skills High probability vs. low probability demands Behavioral momentum Teach receptive instructions

3 Copyright Ernsperger Reactive Programming: Cautions A reactive system has little incentive to be proactive because positive outcomes do not create noise. Reactive programs are most concerned about their problematic students. Reactive programs wait for the behavior to occur and our usually in a crisis mode

4 Copyright Ernsperger “When a Student can’t read…….. we teach them. When a Student can’t tie their shoes…… we teach them When a Student can’t multiply…….. we teach them When a Student can’t name all of the states and capitals……. we teach them When a Student can’t behave……. we punish them.”

5 Copyright Ernsperger Reactive Programs Extinction Response-Cost Selectively reinforce alternative behavior Aversives and Punishment Crisis management plan

6 Copyright Ernsperger Reactive Programs Keep in the present Progress will be negligible if you are not working within the child’s best interest Ask yourself- “What are my intentions” –Is it to punish? –Is it to be authoritative? A reactive plan must be consistently implemented

7 Copyright Ernsperger Extinction “Ignore it and it will go away” Extinction is the elimination of reinforcement for the target behavior in order to extinguish the problem behavior Extinction may not include ignoring –Some behaviors can not be ignored Effective if the function is Attention TB becomes worse before it gets better

8 Copyright Ernsperger Extinction Extinction must be planned, may produce aggression In some cases minimal attention must be given: –Calm and neutral voice –Little or no eye contact –Minimal physical restraint –Reduce but not eliminate demands

9 Copyright Ernsperger Extinction Not all behaviors will respond to Extinction Always combine with other procedures ie. skill replacement training and DRO/DRA Withhold consistently, include all staff and parents

10 Copyright Ernsperger Selective Reinforcement Differential Reinforcement Identify the alternative behavior Reinforce other students who are displaying the alternative behavior Only effective if the student is an observational learner

11 Copyright Ernsperger Resistance to Extinction Self-stim and other sensory reinforced behaviors Based on the history of reinforcement, the # of times reinforced Consistency- include significant others Schedule opportunities for practice

12 Copyright Ernsperger Response-Cost The removal of reinforcement contingent upon the problem behavior Loss of a preferred activity or reinforcement Effect will show quickly (3-5 days) Combine with a token economy Increased aggression or stress COMPUTER

13 Copyright Ernsperger Time-Out Procedures Time Out From Reinforcement

14 Copyright Ernsperger Punishment: Time-Out Withdrawal of the opportunity to earn reinforcement Determine the function If the function is escape, then time-out is reinforcement Is rarely an effective strategy for long term change

15 Copyright Ernsperger Time-Out Consider other options Determine placement of TO Define B leading to TO Explain the TO rules Apply consistently Create reinforcing environment Evaluate effectiveness

16 Copyright Ernsperger Crisis Management Underlying philosophy of the team should consist of: –Providing a supportive and tolerant environment –Fair, realistic and secure –Treats students with respect –Everybody assumes responsibility

17 Copyright Ernsperger Crisis Management Plan Cycle of Crisis –Calm –Trigger –Irritable, frustrated, anxious –Peak, tantrum, SIB –De-escalation –Recovery

18 Copyright Ernsperger Back to School Idea: Triggers Identify a list of triggers for each student and include in the student profile. Write a “worst case scenario” for each student. List all environmental and physiological triggers that would initiate a problem behaviors.

19 Copyright Ernsperger Back to School Idea: Crisis Plan Remain calm Treat the student with respect Decrease verbal language and increase visual supports Encourage stress reduction techniques: –Checklists (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) Minimize demands without allowing complete escape: Compliance training –High Probability demands Identify Home Base Practice, Practice

20 Copyright Ernsperger Reactive Programming Reactive techniques and punishment should not be used in isolation but combined with other behavioral change procedures FAIR-PAIR Rule: choose two or more alternative proactive programs for every reactive technique

21 Copyright Ernsperger Pearls of Wisdom You can’t discipline out a disability, but…. You can teach a new ability! Brenda, OH

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