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Chapter 22 Rights of the Accused. A. Protections 1.Nothing can protect you against being accused of a crime 2.5 th, 6 th and 8 th Amendments help protect.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 22 Rights of the Accused. A. Protections 1.Nothing can protect you against being accused of a crime 2.5 th, 6 th and 8 th Amendments help protect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 22 Rights of the Accused

2 A. Protections 1.Nothing can protect you against being accused of a crime 2.5 th, 6 th and 8 th Amendments help protect your rights IF accused 3.Guarantee you have the right to know the charges, right to an attorney and right to keep silent for your defense

3 B. Why Important? 1.Be able to prove your innocence 2.Right to know how, where and when the crime was committed 3.Know right of being silent – might confess if frightened 4.Know right to a fair trial 5.Be able to gather proof to show innocence

4 C. Arrest 1.Police can only arrest someone accused of a crime 2.Police can question anyone without making an arrest 3.Warrant is needed for most arrests – misdemeanors (lesser crimes) (Police need a good reason) 4.When police see a crime committed, no warrant is needed! 5.If a felony (a serious crime) has been committed, a warrant is not typically needed


6 D. Questioning 1.Police can fingerprint, take a photo and write up an arrest before questioning 2.Police must read a suspect his/her rights at time of arrest (The Miranda rule – Miranda v. Arizona) 3.All accused persons must be told: a. Right to remain silent b. Anything can be used against them c. Right to a lawyer even if they cannot afford one d. They can tell police to stop questioning them


8 E. Bail 1.Right to fair bail if accused 2.Bail acts as a promise to appear in court 3.Bail can be denied if the accused is a “flight” risk or if the accused is believed to be dangerous


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