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ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Delsea Regional High School. What is “academic integrity?” The Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University lists the fundamental.

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Presentation on theme: "ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Delsea Regional High School. What is “academic integrity?” The Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University lists the fundamental."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Delsea Regional High School

2 What is “academic integrity?” The Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University lists the fundamental values of academic integrity as  Honesty  Integrity  Responsibility  Trustworthiness  Self-respect  Justice (

3 What do those values mean in a high school setting?  Not copying homework  Not discussing test questions with students who haven’t taken the test  Not working together on assignments without teacher knowledge/permission  Not using another student’s essays/work and claiming ownership  Not using internet essays/website material and claiming ownership  Not using cheat sheets/text messages for answers on tests/quizzes

4 What are the key areas of academic integrity violations?  Cheating – An act of deception by which a person misrepresents his or her mastery of material on a test or other academic exercise (  Plagiarism – The representation of the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic work (  Fabrication – The falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic work (



7 What are the penalties for violating academic integrity policies at Delsea?  First Offense: One day internal suspension, parent contacted by teacher, zero for assignment  Second Offense: Two days internal suspension, parent conference, zero for assignment  Third Offense: Three days internal suspension, parent conference, zero for assignment (*Infractions beyond the third offense will each receive three days of internal suspension*)

8 What do colleges/universities say about academic integrity?  “Students are expected to do and be responsible for their own work.” – Gloucester County College (  “…the University expects that grades awarded to students will reflect individual efforts and achievements.” – Rowan University (  “Academic integrity is essential to the success of the educational enterprise and breaches of academic integrity constitute serious offenses against the academic community.” – Rutgers University (

9 What Delsea students say about academic integrity  An informal, anonymous, voluntary survey taken at DRHS last year revealed that Delsea students violate the policy on academic integrity because…  they find it to be easier and faster  they fear getting bad grades  they don’t think they will get caught  they don’t have time to do their assignments  they don’t want to do the work

10 How can YOU find out about academic integrity?  Visit the Delsea website for the link to our policy on Academic Integrity  Google!  Search “academic integrity + (college or university)”  Search “academic integrity + definition”  Search “academic integrity + statistics”

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