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Chapter 12 Review Work and Energy.

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1 Chapter 12 Review Work and Energy

2 The transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that causes the body to move in the direction of the force is called A. power B. work C. distance D. mechanical advantage

3 A boy exerts an average force of 65 N when he lifts a box 1. 2 meters
A boy exerts an average force of 65 N when he lifts a box 1.2 meters. How much work did he do? A. 0 J B. 54 J C. 66 J D. 78 J

4 ________ is defined as the rate at which work is done.
A. Power B. Joule C. Speed D. Mechanical advantage

5 Calculate the mechanical advantage of a wrench that allows you to move a bolt 0.01 m by moving the handle 0.50 m. A. 0.05 B. 0.50 C. 5.0 D. 50

6 How much power is required to lift a 30 N chair 0.20 m in 2 sec?
A. 1 Watt B. 3 Watts C. 12 Watts D. 15 Watts

7 A ramp is a ___________ that decreases the force required to move and object while increasing the distance the object travels. A. force B. load C. newton D. machine

8 What is the Mechanical Advantage of a ramp 2 m long and .5 m tall?
B. 2.5 C. 4 D. None of the above

9 Lifting a car using a car jack is easier because it requires ___
A. Less force B. Less work C. Both A and B D. None of the above

10 At the top of its arc, a thrown ball has ____ potential energy.
A. maximum B. minimum C. zero D. average

11 As a dropped penny falls toward the ground, ___ energy is converted to ___ energy.
A. thermal, potential B. kinetic, vibrational C. kinetic, heat D. potential, kinetic

12 A dropped racquetball will not return to its original position because
A. potential energy is inefficient B. the mechanical energy is stored up for later bounces C. some of the mechanical energy is converted to nonmechanical energy D. energy is not conserved

13 The law of conservation of energy states that energy
A. is created from motion B. cannot be created or destroyed C. is always equal and opposite D. can only be converted into heat

14 _____ is the ratio of useful work output to work input.
A. Potential energy B. Efficiency C. Kinetic energy D. Power

15 How efficient is a machine that uses 130 J to lift a 50 N load 2 m?
B. 52% C. 77% D. 87%

16 __ is a measure of the ability to do work.
A. Photosynthesis B. Power C. Respiration D. Energy

17 When a pitcher throws a softball to a catcher, the vibration of the individual atoms that make up the softball is considered ___ energy, while the motion of the ball toward the catcher is considered __ energy. A. nonmechanical, mechanical B. potential, nonmechanical C. electrical, thermal D. mechanical, chemical

18 What are the two families of simple machines?
A. wedge and compound B. first class and second class C. inclined plane and lever D. pulley and screw

19 A wedge is a modified __. A. wheel and axle B. pulley
C. inclined plane D. lever

20 A ramp is a simple machine that allows one to apply an input force __ the output force.
A. perpendicular to B. equal to C. greater than D. less than

21 Which of the following is an example of a compound machine?
A. scissors B. ax blade C. wheel and axle D. screw

22 What is the mechanical advantage of a single, fixed pulley?
B. 1 C. 2 D. 4

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