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PRE-SEASON PARENT MEETING. Athletic participation is a privilege, not a right Earn that privilege to play through: academic success in class dedication.

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Presentation on theme: "PRE-SEASON PARENT MEETING. Athletic participation is a privilege, not a right Earn that privilege to play through: academic success in class dedication."— Presentation transcript:


2 Athletic participation is a privilege, not a right Earn that privilege to play through: academic success in class dedication to your team self-discipline following the rules

3 Absolutes in Athletics Everyone will make mistakesEveryone will make mistakes Will always be a winner and loserWill always be a winner and loser Only some can play at one timeOnly some can play at one time Coach determine who playsCoach determine who plays Coach will play to winCoach will play to win

4 NCHSAA eligibility rules  Academic - must pass 3 of 4 classes from previous semester  Attendance – must be present 85% of days from previous semester (less than 14 absences)  Residence – must live in White Oak district or be assigned by Board of Education  Medical exam – examination by licensed physician within 365 days  Age – cannot turn 19 on or before Oct. 16

5  Eight semesters – Student can play only 8 semesters from first entry into 9 th Grade  Only 4 seasons – Student can only participate in FOUR seasons of a particular sport  Amateur status – Student cannot accept money or gifts for playing a sport  Felony policy – Student loses eligibility if convicted or pleads no contest to a crime that is classified as a felony under N.C. or federal law  Insurance – Parents must sign O.C.S. Athletic Participation Form w/ insurance waiver

6 SUBSTANCE ABUSE  The use, possession of, or in the vicinity of alcohol, tobacco, performance enhancing substances, and mood modifying drugs is prohibited  AT ANY TIME, in or out of season VIOLATIONS If witnessed by a school employee/personnel, or admission of or criminal conviction (24/7) can result in revocation of privilege to play for remainder of school year

7 ISS/ OSS- Suspensions No student may participate ( practice or play in contest ) on days assigned to ISSNo student may participate ( practice or play in contest ) on days assigned to ISS No student may participate ( practice, play or even travel to a contest ) on days suspended out of school (OSS).No student may participate ( practice, play or even travel to a contest ) on days suspended out of school (OSS). When an athlete is assigned to ISS or OSS, he/she is responsible for informing the coach of the infraction and length of suspensionWhen an athlete is assigned to ISS or OSS, he/she is responsible for informing the coach of the infraction and length of suspension

8 SPORTSMANSHIP “ The quality of responsible behavior characterized by a spirit of generosity, respect and concern for opponents, officials, teammates, and coaches.”  Cheer for not against  Modest in victory, gracious in defeat  Be a fan – not a fanatic

9 Spectators at events are expected to conduct themselves so as to model good sportsmanship and citizenship. This applies to adult spectators as well as to students. Spectators shall not: Spectators shall not: harass, degrade or heckle players, participants, coaches or officialsharass, degrade or heckle players, participants, coaches or officials come onto or throw anything onto playing surfacecome onto or throw anything onto playing surface approach coaches or officials before, during or after gamesapproach coaches or officials before, during or after games wear body paint at any contestwear body paint at any contest

10 Please join us in our efforts to maintain White Oak’s reputation as a tenacious opponent, a tough place to play and always a first-class host. Violation of sportsmanship policies or other acts deemed as unsportsmanlike can result in expulsion from the contest and/or permanent banishment from ALL athletic events at White Oak HS.

11 HAZING Deliberately subjecting another person to physical injury, emotional intimidation or embarrassment and/or other humiliating activities as part of initiation or prerequisite for membership…. (NC General Statute 14.35) Onslow County Schools and White Oak HS are vigorously opposed to any form of hazing and will report and aide law enforcement in the prosecution of reported cases.

12 Parent/Coach Relationships  Both are challenging vocations  Both need understand difficulties of other  Coach needs to keep parents informed  Absolutely NO parent/coach conferences immediately before or after contests Keep following guidelines in mind:

13 Appropriate Communication from Parents Notify coach of any schedule conflicts involving your child well in advanceNotify coach of any schedule conflicts involving your child well in advance Notify coach of specific medical abnormalities or medicinal needs of your childNotify coach of specific medical abnormalities or medicinal needs of your child Notification, in advance and with proper forms, of any transportation plans that deviate from team policyNotification, in advance and with proper forms, of any transportation plans that deviate from team policy Specific concerns regarding coach’s expectations or policiesSpecific concerns regarding coach’s expectations or policies

14 Issues NOT appropriate for Parent/Coach discussion May include, but not limited to: Playing time or positioning of team personnelPlaying time or positioning of team personnel Game strategyGame strategy Play callingPlay calling Any other studentsAny other students

15 Chain of Command FFFFIRST - Schedule meeting with coach (never try to discuss issues immediately before or after contests) SSSSECOND – If cannot arrange meeting with coach or that meeting is unproductive- contact Athletic Director TTTTHIRD – If no satisfactory resolution-call and schedule appointment with Principal Follow the chain of command

16 NCHSAA Ejection Policy Coaches and/or athletes can be ejected for:  Fighting -Including attempting to or striking with hand, fist, arms, legs or head, even if no contact is made -Attempting to instigate a fight by any unsporting action that causes opponent to retaliate -Leaving the bench area during a fight  Biting observed by an official  Taunting, baiting or spitting toward an official, opponent, or spectator  Profanity, used at anytime toward anyone  Obscene gestures  Disrespectfully addressing or making physical contact with an official

17 Penalties for Ejection  miss next 2 games at that level (JV, Varsity) and all contests at all levels during interim  Must meet with Principal and A.D. day following ejection and complete S.T.A.R. Sportsmanship program before returning to competition

18  2 nd ejection- any individual who receives two ejections during the same season (Fall, Winter, Spring) will be suspended from ALL sports for the remainder of that sports season  3 rd ejection - any individual who receives a 3 rd ejection during the same academic year will be suspended from all NCHSAA athletic events for 365 days from date of 3 rd ejection  White Oak HS can suspend any student from all athletic competition for severe unsportsmanlike acts, even if not ejected by game officials

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