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Published byPhillip Bradley Modified over 9 years ago
Understand the roles and responsibilities of test administrators Understand how to use valid test administration practices Learn where to find test administration resources and tools Be aware of what’s new this year in the statewide assessment system 2 Test Administrators Big Picture Objectives
Training will cover the following topics : TA Training Overview Accommodations Test Security OAKS Online* ELPA* Writing* Test Administrators Training Overview
Before testing: Provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the test format and procedures Review student IEPs or education plans to identify appropriate test formats and accommodations Make arrangements for students who are not testing Review Test Administration Manual 4 Test Administrators TA Roles and Responsibilities During testing: Ensure that students receive the appropriate test (includes settings such as language and print size) Enforce test environment requirements
Supervision at all times by a trained TA Quiet environment void of distractions Only allowable resources made available to students upon request Limited interaction with students Read student directions Administer accommodations appropriately No coaching 5 Test Administrators Test Environment Requirements
For students in grades 3 – 8, there are 2 OAKS test opportunities per subject Retesting students in grades 3 – 8 who have already met requires explicit parental consent 3 test opportunities for students in High School; no restriction on retesting 6 Test Administrators What’s new ?
OAKS Online 11/6 – 5/22 * includes Braille Interface and Grade 3 Spanish Reading 1 st Opportunity 11/6 – 1/2 Subsequent Opportunities 1/3 – 5/22 OAKS Writing (Paper/Pencil) Winter (Grades 11 & 12 Only) 1/9 – 2/21 Spring (Grades 11 Only) 4/10 – 5/22 OAKS Writing (Online) Winter (Grades 11 & 12 Only) 1/9 – 3/22 Spring ( Grades 11 Only) 4/1 –5/22 Extended Assessment 2/21 – 4/25 ELPA1/9 – 4/30 PSAT/NMSQT 10/17 or 10/20 NAEP1/28 – 3/8 7 TA TRAINING (Optional) Test Schedule
Required OAKS Online Assessments* Reading and Mathematics: grades 3 – 8, and 11 Science: grades 5, 8, and 11 Optional OAKS Online Assessment* Social Sciences: grades 5, 8, and 11 8 TA TRAINING (Optional) Required Assessment Options OAKS Online Grade 3 Spanish Reading Assessment Native language Spanish Reading assessment (not an English-Spanish side-by-side test) Eligible ELL students may use Grade 3 Spanish Reading for accountability purposes * Available through Braille Interface of OAKS Online
Writing Performance Assessment Only available for students in Grades 11 & 12 1 opportunity per student Students may not take both online and paper/pencil format 11 th grade students may test in either Winter or Spring test window 12 th grade students may only test in the Winter test window 9 TA Training (Optional) Required Assessment Options, cont’d
English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) 1 opportunity for the following grade bands: K – 1, 2 – 3, 4 – 5, 6 – 8, and 9 – 12 Students must have LEP flag marked in the SSID system in order to access the ELPA New for 2012-13: the ELPA window will close on April 30 th 10 TA Training (Optional) Required Assessment Options, cont’d
OAKS Extended Assessments 11 Reading : 1 opportunity at Grades 3 – 8, and 11 Mathematics: 1 opportunity at Grades 3 – 8, and 11. Science: 1 opportunity at Grades 5, 8, and 11 Writing: 1 opportunity at Grade 11 only TA Training (Optional) Required Assessment Options, cont’d
Targeting Up Targeting up to a higher grade level is available for students through grade 7 for OAKS Math and Reading. Students in grades 9 and 10 may take the high school level OAKS tests. Students in grade 12 may also take the high school level OAKS tests. Students in grade 8 may only take the high school level OAKS tests if they have received instruction at the depth and breadth of the high school standards. Best Practices Guide available 12 TA Training (Optional)
Do’s TAs must read the Test Administration Manual, receive annual test administration and security training, and sign an Assurance of Test Security form before administering state tests. If you’re administering OAKS through the Braille Interface, you must also receive ODE-provided Braille Interface training If you’re administering the Extended Assessment, you must also receive ODE-provided Qualified Trainer or Qualified Assessor training 13 Test Administrators Do’s and Don’ts
14 Test Administrators Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d Do’s TAs may only provide students with allowable resources listed by content area in the Test Administration Manual. TAs may only provide the restricted resource of printed test items to students for whom the district has identified individual student need. TAs must read verbatim the student directions provided in the Test Administration Manual.
Don’ts TAs may not allow untrained aides, volunteers, or substitutes to assist with test administration. TAs may not coach students (including requiring students to show their work). Students may not access non-allowable resources such as textbooks, class notes, or cell phones during testing. Students may not talk to or help other students during testing. 15 Test Administrators Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d
TA reviews the Test Administration Manual before testing, focusing on test security and content-specific allowable resources and accommodations. TA seeks clarification from STC on any rules that are unclear before administering tests TA spaces students appropriately or provides visual barriers to prevent students from seeing others’ tests. TA reads student directions verbatim and circulates through test environment to ensure proper testing conditions. TA makes available but does not require students to use allowable resources. 16 Test Administrators Promising Practices
TAs must receive training each year Special training requirements for Braille Interface and Extended Assessments TAs enforce valid test environment for students When in doubt about a particular testing practice, before testing begins: Check the Manual Check your training notes Ask your School Test Coordinator If all else fails, assume the answer is “no” 17 Test Administrators In a Nutshell
Test Administration Manual Accommodations Manual Best Practices Guide Promising Testing Practices 18 Test Administrators Test Administration Resources
What 3 things must a test administrator do before administering a state test? What are some examples of assistance to students that are not allowed? What are some methods we can use to reduce test improprieties? 19 Test Administrators Acorns for Storage
Identify and understand the purpose of accommodations Administer accommodations appropriately 21 Accommodations Big Picture Objectives
Know the differences between the following: Allowable Resources Restricted Resources Accommodations Modifications Always refer to the current year’s Test Administration Manual and Accommodations Manual for updates 22 Accommodations Know the Options
Accommodation “Practices and procedures in presentation, response, setting, and timing or scheduling that, when used in an assessment, provide equitable access to all students.” Accommodations do not compromise the learning expectations, construct, grade-level standard, and/or measured outcome of the assessment. Only approved accommodations by the Accommodations Panel are allowed during testing. 23 Accommodations Definitions
Allowable Resource Subject-specific resources identified as allowable in the Test Administration Manual Restricted Resource Computer-based application, tool, functionality, or non-electronic resource approved by the Accommodations Panel that does not interfere with the measured construct, but has restricted availability and requires district documentation of individual student need prior to use Modification Any change away from a standard administration Modifications result in an invalid test 24 Accommodations Definitions, cont’d
Provide a student equal access and equal opportunity to meet or exceed grade level achievement standards. Accommodations are available to all students, although the decision to apply accommodations must be based on an assessment of individual student need. Accommodations must be documented within a student’s cumulative file, IEP and/or 504 Plan. 25 Accommodations Purpose and Eligibility
Students on IEPs or 504 Plans must have any needed accommodations documented within their plans. Students who are English Language Learners or General Education and not on an IEP or 504 Plan should have any needed accommodations documented within their cumulative file. 26 Accommodations How to Document
Necessary accommodations should be identified and implemented during classroom instruction prior to the student’s participation in the state assessment. Accommodations used in state assessment must have been previously approved by the Accommodations Panel and listed in the Accommodations Manual. 27 Accommodations When to Identify The Accommodations Manual provides guidance on how and when to appropriately identify accommodations for a student.
1. Expect participation and academic achievement in statewide assessments for all students 2. Learn accommodations 3. Select accommodations 4. Administer accommodations 5. Evaluate and improve accommodation use 28 Accommodations Five Step Process
STEP 1 – Expect participation and academic achievement in statewide assessments for all students. STEP 2 – Learn accommodations STEP 3 – Select accommodations 29 Accommodations Five Step Process
STEP 4 – Administer accommodations STEP 5 – Evaluate and improve accommodation use 30 Accommodations Five Step Process
Who benefits? Students who have difficulty or an inability to read and comprehend directions presented in standard print. Students with language processing challenges. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Students who require a multisensory approach to learning. 31 Accommodations Test Directions & Presentation Accommodations
Who benefits? Students with physical, sensory, or learning disabilities Students who have difficulty with memory, sequencing, directionality, alignment, and/or organization. 32 Accommodations Response Accommodations
Who benefits? Students who are easily distracted in large group settings and who concentrate best in small groups or an individual setting. Students who receive accommodations (e.g. read aloud, sensory supports) that might distract other students. Students with physical limitations might need a more accessible location, specific room conditions or special equipment. 33 Accommodations Setting Accommodations
Who benefits? Students who cannot concentrate continuously for an extended period of time. Students who become frustrated or stressed easily and may need frequent or extended relaxation breaks. Students with health-related disabilities which cause varying levels of functioning from day to day. Students who fatigue easily should take testing before physical activities. 34 Accommodations Scheduling Accommodations
Available for Math, Science, and Social Sciences (not for Reading) OAKS Online supports a computer-based read-aloud feature English computer-based read-aloud available for Math, Science, and Social Sciences Spanish computer-based read-aloud available for Math Human-administered read-aloud is still permitted Math read-aloud follows special guidelines (posted at Accommodations Webpage) Must not distract other students testing Accommodations Read-Aloud Accommodation
If a student requests this accommodation while testing and it was not previously identified as a needed accommodation for the particular student, read verbatim the student directions provided in Appendix B. The TA should not provide any accommodation to a student that was not selected based on an assessment of individual student need. Accommodations Read-Aloud Accommodation “In the Moment” Request
Required code for IEP students: “ Number of Accommodations” Select “none” or “one or more” Optional code: “Accommodation Code” District can identify up to six specific accommodations by unique 4-digit code Update in TIDE, TA Interface, or Student Centered Staging 37 Accommodations Coding Accommodations
Do’s Refer to the Accommodations Manual for accommodations implementation guidance. Refer to student’s IEP, 504 Plan or cumulative file to determine which accommodations should be provided. Note that although writing prompts may be translated locally, they must be completed in advance by a trained translator endorsed by the district and must be stored securely. Translator also needs to be trained in Test Security and sign an Assurance of Test Security form. 38 Accommodations Do’s and Don’ts
Do’s (cont’d) TAs may read numerals and math symbols aloud on the math test if they follow the guidance and examples posted on the ODE website. In general, numbers and symbols can be read according to their common English usage. For example, > would be read as “is greater than.” Numbers 99 and less should be read using standard place value language. For example, 23 would be read as “twenty-three.” 39 Accommodations Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d However, numbers greater than 99 should be read as individual numbers. For example, 579 would be read as “five seven nine.”
Don’ts Indicate “as needed” or “as appropriate” when documenting accommodations Choose every accommodation available for an assessment “just to be safe” Assume the same accommodations remain appropriate year after year Provide an accommodation for the first time on the day of testing Provide the same accommodations for every student in the class, grade, or program 40 Accommodations Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d
Don’ts TAs may not provide instruction or give suggestions regarding process. TAs may not choose to administer an accommodation for all students in a class or a grade. TAs may not read Reading items or response choices aloud. TAs may not read ELPA items or response choices aloud. Items may not be translated. If you can’t find it in the TAM or Accommodations Manual, don’t do it. 41 Accommodations Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d
Schools/Districts should have a process of determining appropriate accommodations for students not on IEPs or 504 Plans, such as students in general education Schools/Districts should have a system in place to inform students of available accommodations and allow them to request consideration for use of an accommodation during testing Encourage students to “do their best” Ask a student if he/she “needs a break” if they appear to lose focus 42 Accommodations Promising Practices
Accommodations are determined and administered for individual students Accommodations used during state assessments must be selected from the Accommodations Manual Administration of accommodations for one student must not interfere with the testing conditions of another student 43 Accommodations In a Nutshell
Test Administration Manual and Best Practices Guide: Accommodations Manual and Webpage: Math Read Aloud Guidelines: math-read-aloud-accommodation-guidelines.pdf math-read-aloud-accommodation-guidelines.pdf Promising Practices: DTC T RAINING Online Resources
What are some common errors in the administration of accommodations and how can they be avoided? Why should an accommodation be provided to a student? May decisions regarding accommodations be made for: Individual students? Groups of students? 45 Accommodations Acorns for Storage
Objectives Understand principles of secure test administration Understand how to maintain security of printed test materials Learn how to avoid and respond to test improprieties 47 Test Security
Purpose: To protect the integrity and confidentiality of secure test items, prompts, and passages. The security of these materials is necessary so that they can be used in later years to measure trends in performance. In addition, test security helps to ensure test results can be used in accountability reporting. Definition: A test impropriety is any instance where a test is not administered in a manner consistent with the Test Administration Manual or OAR 581-022- 0610 Administration of State Tests. 48 Definition and Purpose Test Security
Some numbers from the 2011-12 school year: 106 districts reported at least one test impropriety 470 total improprieties were reported 785 student tests were impacted Test Impropriety Trends: Non-allowable resources (including cell phones) Student cheating Student coaching Mishandling of secure test materials Student given the wrong test Student tested under wrong SSID Unsecure test environment Missing the shipping / data entry deadline TA review/analysis of test items 49 Test Impropriety Statistics Test Security
A quiet environment, void of distractions and supervised by a trained test administrator Visual barriers or adequate spacing between students Student access to only allowable resources All paper test materials collected and accounted for after each testing event – including printed reading passages (or test items) Student data is treated as confidential – no e-mailing names and SSIDs together 50 Secure Testing Environment Test Security
Definition : Providing students with any type of assistance that may affect how a student responds Includes both verbal cues and nonverbal cues to the correct answer 172 reported instances accounting for 22% of all reported improprieties in 2011-12 51 Student Coaching Test Security
Examples: Leading students through instructional strategies such as Think Aloud Asking students to point to the correct answer or otherwise identify the source of their answer Requiring or rewarding students for showing their work Requiring students to raise their hands and receive permission before moving on to the next item Reading aloud the Reading or ELPA test or improperly reading aloud the Math test 52 Student Coaching, cont’d Test Security
Test opportunities may be invalidated in cases where test validity was compromised. Students will not receive additional test opportunities. If the district determines that the testing impropriety qualifies as gross neglect of duty, then the district must report it to TSPC within 30 days. Personnel may then be subject to disciplinary action as determined by TSPC. Districts may also evaluate cases according to their own Human Resource policies. Private schools and programs may have their access to state tests revoked. 53 Potential Consequences Test Security
TAs must ensure that students use the correct SSID and take the correct test. TAs must securely shred test materials such as printed test items or reading passages, scratch paper, or other paper hand-outs written on by students after each testing event. Test materials must be securely stored at all times. Test improprieties must be reported within 1 day of learning of them and the district investigation must be completed within 30 days. If a DTC cannot investigate an impropriety, the district must assign someone else to the task. 54 Do’s Test Security Do’s and Don’ts
TAs must not review or analyze secure test items Students must not access non-allowable resources such as notes, text books, cell phones, iPods, or e-mail Students must not remove test materials from the test environment TAs must not copy or retain any test materials, including secure test booklets, writing prompts, or reading passages DTCs, STCs, and TAs must not share their OAKS log-in information with anyone (even other authorized OAKS users) 55 Don’ts Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d Test Security
Non-allowable resources TAs closely review the allowable resource tables prior to testing and examine the test environment to ensure that all non- allowable resources are removed. This includes covering up posters that contain non-allowable content. TAs remind students of the rules and post reminders outside the lab. For cell phones, TAs create procedures for collecting all cell phones before students enter the test environment. Student cheating TAs provide space or visual barriers between students. TAs circulate through the test environment to monitor students. Student coaching TAs limit interactions with students to the verbatim student directions in the Test Administration Manual and appropriately administer accommodations such as read-aloud. TAs do not require students to show their work or otherwise provide students with feedback during testing. 56 Promising Practices Test Security
Mishandling of Secure Test Materials U sing colorful materials to identify which students have printed reading passages remaining at their stations. When setting up the test environment, the TA should ensure that the TA’s computer is set to print in the computer lab where the students are testing. The TA uses the class roster to mark which students received printed test materials (e.g., reading passages or test items) and how many each student received. The TA then matches the class roster to the printed test materials collected at the end of the testing event to account for all printed test materials. 57 Promising Practices, cont’d Test Security
Student given wrong test TA works with STC and other appropriate staff to identify students designated to take the Extended Test or to take OAKS in Braille or English-Spanish. For students on an IEP, TA reviews IEP to identify needed accommodations STC and DTC ensure that student settings are updated in TIDE to restrict access to OAKS for students taking the Extended Test and to update other test settings (e.g., language, print size) for students Before approving students to start a test, the TA reviews student settings Student tested under wrong SSID For young students or newcomer ELLs, the school includes student picture on student SSID card TA carefully reviews student names before approving students to test 58 Promising Practices, cont’d Test Security
Unsecure test environment TA does not leave the test environment unsupervised or allow untrained staff to enter the test environment (this includes substitute teachers). Missing shipping / data entry deadline DTC communicates with staff ahead of time about upcoming deadlines. In case of unplanned staff absences, staff cross-train. Several days before the deadline, the DTC ensures that all necessary materials are collected. 59 Promising Practices, cont’d Test Security TA review/analysis of test items If students have a concern about a test item, the TA reads the script from the Test Administration Manual directing the student to the Student Comment Feature. To identify content covered on the test, the TA refers to the Test Specifications and Blueprints published by ODE
Only authorized staff who have signed an Assurance of Test Security Form may have access to the test environment or secure test materials. TAs must limit interactions with students during testing to what is permitted by the Test Administration Manual or Accommodations Manual. Scratch paper and all other printed materials written on by students during testing must be collected and securely shredded at the end of each testing event. DTCs must report all test improprieties to ODE ODE within 1 day of learning of them. Report form is available online 60 In a Nutshell Test Security
Test Administration Manual and Best Practices Guide: Promising Practices: Test Security Forms: DTC T RAINING Online Resources
Why is test security so important? How might you or your students be affected if someone else violates test security or administers tests incorrectly? What are some strategies to minimize the risk of test security violations or test improprieties in general? If you think an impropriety has occurred, what steps should you take? 62 Acorns for Storage Test Security
64 OAKS Online Understand how to navigate the OAKS Online Test Delivery System and the processes related to online testing Administer OAKS Online appropriately Objectives
2012-13 OAKS Online Test Window: Nov. 6 – May 22 Only one opportunity available between Nov. 6 and Jan. 2 Each test opportunity is subject to a 45- day expiration period OAKS Online Schedule
Review Appendix B of the Test Administration Manual, as well as the appropriate subject-specific Appendix (Appendix C – F) and your training notes Identify students to be tested and their test settings Make sure you have the correct SSID for each student Identify students who need side-by-side English- Spanish or who are taking the Braille or Extended formats Identify students who need accommodations Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format and technology 66 OAKS Online Before Testing
TA Interface Administer online tests, track progress, and manage students testing in your session Adjust test settings for individual students before they are approved to start the test Approve and submit print requests from students Student Interface Secure online test that must be accessed via a secure browser General Education Student Interface Braille Interface OAKS Online Overview of Test Delivery System
Used to create and manage test sessions and approve students All information is visible on one screen Tests in session Students needing approval to start testing Students with tests in progress Print requests OAKS Online TA Interface at A Glance
Create and Manage Test Sessions List of available tests automatically displays upon logging in and remains on screen while monitoring students Select the tests for inclusion in the session and click [Start Session] System generates a Session ID that students will use to log in Test sessions automatically expire upon TA logout Sessions cannot be resumed Students may resume a paused test in any new test session that includes the applicable test subject and grade Example: TA creates a test session for students on Tuesday. To resume testing on Wednesday, the TA will create another test session for students to resume testing OAKS Online TA Interface, cont’d
Approvals Preview (right) allows TAs to see students that need to be approved while monitoring test progress The complete list of students awaiting approval will display on a pop-up screen OAKS Online TA Interface, cont’d Student Test Settings and Approvals
OAKS Online TA Interface, cont’d Student Test Settings and Approvals, cont’d
Language Configurable by test subject via TIDE (but can also be adjusted in TA Interface for that specific test opportunity) English Spanish Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, and Writing can be administered in side-by-side English-Spanish For Grade 3, Reading can be administered in Spanish only as a native-language assessment (this is not an English-Spanish side-by-side test) Braille Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Social Sciences can be administered in Braille Directs Student Interface to the Braille Interface Important: Language setting must be set before a test opportunity is approved to start. Once approved, language cannot be edited! OAKS Online Student Test Settings
Computer-Based Read-Aloud Computer-based read-aloud accommodation available in English for OAKS Math, Science, and Social Sciences; available in Spanish for OAKS Math Recommended for use with Windows 7 or Mac 10.6 or higher for optimal results (note: Spanish computer-based read-aloud requires purchase and installation of Spanish voice pack) Remember: The same decision-making process applies for assigning the computer-based read- aloud accommodation for a student as applies to the human-provided read-aloud Headsets USB headsets Ensure sound works with headsets on each computer prior to testing. The student login screen contains a diagnostic tool to verify that audio is working within the secure browser. The student will also be prompted with a sound-check as part of the approval process. OAKS Online Student Test Settings, cont’d
Print Size Available in 4 levels of magnification Students can manually adjust for individual items Selected magnification for a given item will persist for print requests Print on Request Printed reading passages are an allowable resource for all students Printed items in all subjects and stimuli in Science and Social Sciences are a restricted resource for individual students only Must be set in TIDE by DTSA or DSA-level users. This setting is not editable in the TA Interface. All print requests must be approved by the TA in the TA Interface OAKS Online Student Test Settings, cont’d
Color Choice The Student Interface can be set to present the test background with different options Text and background color combinations are pre- defined for a colored overlay over test content OAKS Online Student Test Settings, cont’d
Student Login 1.Log in using First Name, SSID, Session ID 2.Confirm identity – “Is This You?” screen – First Name (same as in SSID upload), Enrolled Grade, DOB, School, SSID 3.Select Test – Student will see available tests by subject 4.TA Approval required to start test 5.Confirm test -- “Is this your test?” screen 1 2 5 3 OAKS Online Student Log-in 4
OAKS Online Student Interface at A Glance
OAKS Online Student Interface with Passage Click on arrow to expand the passage
OAKS Online Student Interface with Passage Expanded Click on arrow to return passage to original size.
Monitor to ensure that students only have access to the allowable resources listed in appropriate content-area Appendix (Appendix C – F). If breaking up the test into multiple sessions, allow students to finish all presented items on the screen before pausing the test. If students pause the test for more than 20 minutes, they will no longer be able to return to previously answered or marked items when they log back in. 80 OAKS Online Test Administration
Do’s Do use the TA Training Site and Practice Tests to become familiar with both the TA and Student Interfaces before testing begins Do review the OAKS Online TA User Guide for descriptions of all features of the TA and Student Interfaces before testing begins Do review Appendix B and the applicable subject- specific Appendix of the TAM before testing begins Do carefully review student settings for each student before approving them to test OAKS Online Do’s and Don’ts
Don’ts OAKS Online users must not share their login information and passwords, even with other authorized users. Do not use last year’s OAKS Secure Browser. Old secure browsers should be uninstalled before installing the new secure browsers. Do not approve students to test until you are sure the students are taking the correct test at the right time. Do not let tests linger; they will expire after 45 calendar days. OAKS Online Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d
Before the start of the testing window, the district exposes students to the online test environment using the practice test site. The district uses the practice test to identify students who may need accommodations to fully access the online test. The district restricts students who should not use the system from accessing the online test. OAKS Online Promising Practices
Test Administration Manual OAKS Online User Guides OAKS Portal (includes Training Site and Practice Tests) Online Resources OAKS Online
How can TAs ensure that students are familiar with the online test system prior to testing? What steps should TAs take before approving students to test? What resources are available to help TAs prepare? Acorns for Storage OAKS Online
Understand the ways in which the writing assessment differs from other assessments Administer the Writing Performance Assessment appropriately 87 Objectives Writing
Authentic performance assessment where students produce an essay over 2-3 days. Measures student proficiency on adopted state standards in the area of Writing. Identifies student strengths and weaknesses through analytic trait scoring to inform classroom instruction. Participation, not performance, is included in the Report Card ratings. 88 Purpose Writing
Based on legislative action: Grades 4 and 7 suspended for 2012-13 (Projected to return in 2013-2014) High School restricted to Grade 11 and Grade 12 students who have not previously met or exceeded the writing standard. Grade 11 may test in either window; Grade 12 may test in Winter window only. Students enrolled in Grades 9 and 10 may not access the Writing Assessment Grades 11 and 12 Only Writing
Winter Window (Grades 11 and 12 ): Online (Jan. 9 – March 22) Paper-Based (Jan. 9 – Feb. 21) (order window Oct. 18 – Dec. 10) (shipping deadline is March 4) Spring window: (Grade 11 only ) Online (April 1 – May 22) Paper-Based (April 10– May 22) (order window Jan. 24 – March 14) (shipping deadline is June 3) 90 Test Schedule Writing
Review Appendix G of the Test Administration Manual and your training notes Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format, especially for the online test Make sure students only have access to the allowable resources identified in Appendix G Read the student directions in Appendix G aloud to students verbatim 91 Before Testing Writing
Writing is a Test Subject that can be selected for inclusion in a test session from the OAKS Online TA Interface. While the Online Writing test is not timed, estimate that it will take approximately 2 – 3 class sessions to complete. Note: Tests that are not completed within 45 days of starting will expire. 92 Test Administration (Online) Writing
Test Administration (Online), cont’d Students can either create and revise their drafts in the Student Response screen or print their selected prompt and create and revise their drafts on paper, entering their final draft in the Student Response Screen. Note: any printed test materials, including outlines or rough drafts, must be collected by the TA and securely stored between test sessions. When breaking up the test over multiple sessions, remind students to pause the test rather than clicking “end test” and submitting their test for scoring. Students should only click “end test” after entering and reviewing their final response. 93 Writing
While the Paper-Based Writing test is not timed, estimate that it will take approximately 2 – 3 class sessions to complete. TAs must collect student test booklets at the end of each test session. Note: all notes, outlines, and rough drafts must also be collected by the TA and securely stored between test sessions. Students must enter their final draft into the student test booklet. Students may use an additional sheet of paper to finish a thought begun on the previous page, not to exceed one half a page Typed responses may be inserted into the test booklet Follow the instructions on pp. G-19 – G-20 of Appendix G to ensure that additional or typed pages are correctly inserted 94 Test Administration (Paper-based) Writing
All tests are scored through a central, online scoring system. Tests will be distributed to Oregon raters around the state. Both paper and online assessments will be double scored. Scores of papers may be appealed, but must follow the process and timelines described in Appendix G of the Test Administration Manual. 95 Scoring Writing
Do’s and Don’ts Do review Appendix G before testing Do test all students in Grade 11 who have not yet met or exceeded the standard. Do test Grade 12 students in the Winter window who have not yet met the standard and would benefit from this additional opportunity. Do collect and securely store all printed test materials between test sessions (for both online and paper-based Writing) 96 Do’s Writing
Do not allow students enrolled in Grade 9 or 10 to test using a blank writing booklet Do not allow Grade 11 students to test more than once Do not test Grade 12 students in the Spring window. Do not provide resources to students unless they are explicitly identified as allowable resources in Appendix G. Do not retain copies of pp. 1 and 2 of paper writing booklets 97 Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d Don’ts Writing
Local scoring of classroom assessments using the official scoring guide to provide feedback in some or all of the writing traits to prepare students for the writing assessment. Districts create a system where teachers trade papers for double scoring, thus ensuring rater accuracy. 98 Promising Practices Writing
Writing administration is essentially the same as last year Testing in 2012-13 restricted to Grade 11 students who have not yet met or exceeded and Grade 12 students (Winter window) who have not yet met or exceeded the writing standard. 99 In a Nutshell Writing
Test Administration Manual OAKS Online User Guides OAKS Portal (includes Training Site and Practice Tests) Online Resources OAKS Online
How can TAs be sure that they are only administering the writing test to eligible students? What factors should weigh in the decision as to which window and what format are used to administer the test? What local expertise could be tapped for an accurate and timely review and return of writing appeals? 101 Acorns for Storage Writing
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