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ANCIENT EGYPT Kadiga Alishareef 8D 3-4-15. VOCAB WORDS Ancient Egypt: the period when Egypt was ruled by pharaohs which was between 3100 BCE-30 BCE. Mummy:

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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT EGYPT Kadiga Alishareef 8D 3-4-15. VOCAB WORDS Ancient Egypt: the period when Egypt was ruled by pharaohs which was between 3100 BCE-30 BCE. Mummy:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ANCIENT EGYPT Kadiga Alishareef 8D 3-4-15

2 VOCAB WORDS Ancient Egypt: the period when Egypt was ruled by pharaohs which was between 3100 BCE-30 BCE. Mummy: dead body that has been preserved for decay either naturally or artificial means. Pyramid: massive stone structure with a square base and sloped sides. In Egypt pyramids were usually royal tombs but some might have different god purposes. Pharaohs: the title given to rulers of Egypt. The word pharaoh refers to palace rather than kings. Amulet: charm used to ward off evil. Tomb: grave, monument, or building of a dead persons body laid.

3 WHO LIVED IN EGYPT BEFORE PHARAOHS? The Sumerians lived in Egypt before pharaohs. By 5000 BCE they became farmers. They grew wheat, barley etc. They began building houses and castles. By 3500 BCE Kings and queens moved in. Hart, George.

4 WHO WERE THE TOP FOUR MOST IMPORTANT PHARAOHS? Ramesses II ruled Egypt in 12th century. King tut. Hatshepsut. Akhenaten. Hart, George.

5 HOW/WHY WERE BODIES OF PHARAOHS EVERLASTING? After death a number of elements lived on. Most important was the persons 'ba' and 'ka'. Embalmed body, linen shroud, Lenin bandage. Protected amulet, mummy mask. Inner core, and outer core. Hart, George.

6 HOW WERE PYRAMIDS MADE? They were man made (with limestones). They used levers to help them. Contains 2.3 million lime stone blocks. Ranged from 3 to 18 tons (450ft). 2.75 to 16.5 meter tons in weight. Pyramid took up to 20 years to make. Hart,George.

7 WHO WERE THE TOP FOUR IMPORTANT GODS AND GODDESSES IN EGYPT? Egyptians worshiped 100s of gods. Many gods were represented by animals. But the usual were the famous pharaohs. Hart, George.

8 WHAT WERE THE WRITINGS LIKE? Picture writings with 700 different signs. Kept complicated purposely. Could be written in any way. Mostly written on tombs ect. Hart, George. E.A wallis.

9 WHAT WERE THE WEAPONS THEY USED AND HOW WERE THEY MADE? Big roles with Palestine, Syria, and Nubia. Silver ax, ceremonial ax, battle ax. Finger guards, wrist protectors, sized swords. Arrows, shield made out of wood then metal. Hart, George.

10 HOW WERE HOUSES MADE IN EGYPT? Built from bricks and made from Nile mud. Straws and pebbles were added to the mud. Houses we're painted with patterns or scenes. Houses were cool do to the size of windows. Hart,George. L.M clancy.

11 WHAT WERE THE FOODS AND DRINKS THE USED TO EAT? Nile flood allowed farmers to grow agriculture. Onions, garlic,leeks, beans,lentils,and lettuce. Gourds, dates, figs,cucumber, and melons. Cakes sweetened by dates or honey. Fish, duck, gazelle, pig, sheep ect. Hart,George.

12 WHAT WERE SOME OF THE TRADITIONAL SONGS THEY PLAYED? Music meant a lot to them as shown in pictures. Flutes, harps, rather sticks ect. Princess would play flute while husband relaxes. Hart, George.

13 WHAT WERE THE TOYS AND GAMES THEY USED TO PLAY WITH? leap frog, tug-of-war, snake ect. Boys played soldiers. Girls held hands and spun around. Animals and dolls were also made. They were great story tellers back then. Hart, George.

14 WHAT WAS THE BEAUTY AND FASHION AT THE TIME? Many are familiar with the usual look. Kohl, oxide of iron,tweezers, combs. Pins and curls. Their reflection with bronze or copper mirrors, Animals fat with wigs, and plants for scent. Henna. Hart, George.


16 CITATIONS Hart,George.ancient Egypt. New York: Andrea Pinnington, 2008. L M Clancy.soul house.student trader.9,13,09.3,16,15 Sam John. Egyptian pyramid. A+E network. Networks.2009. 3/16/15

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