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HHS Trip to Ecuador – April 2011. The Plan Two weeks in Equador to: Two weeks in Equador to: Travel and tour in an incredible country (an eco-tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "HHS Trip to Ecuador – April 2011. The Plan Two weeks in Equador to: Two weeks in Equador to: Travel and tour in an incredible country (an eco-tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 HHS Trip to Ecuador – April 2011

2 The Plan Two weeks in Equador to: Two weeks in Equador to: Travel and tour in an incredible country (an eco-tourism hotspot!)Travel and tour in an incredible country (an eco-tourism hotspot!) Live in a community with a local familyLive in a community with a local family Contribute to a lasting community development project to promote educationContribute to a lasting community development project to promote education

3 An Unforgettable Travel Experience Visit one of the most bio-diverse regions in the world Visit one of the most bio-diverse regions in the world Site-see in Quito and other parts of the beautiful country Site-see in Quito and other parts of the beautiful country

4 An Opportunity to be Part of a Global Partnership Participate in Canada World Youth’s “Global Learners Program” Participate in Canada World Youth’s “Global Learners Program” Gain international travel and volunteering experience Gain international travel and volunteering experience

5 Think Globally, Act Locally Volunteer in a local community and contribute to a development project Volunteer in a local community and contribute to a development project Learn first hand about a new culture by living with a local family Learn first hand about a new culture by living with a local family Learn Spanish Learn Spanish

6 What Will I Gain? First hand travel & cultural experience First hand travel & cultural experience Global awareness Global awareness Self-confidence Self-confidence Teamwork skills Teamwork skills Cross-cultural communication skills Cross-cultural communication skills Personal growth during the trip of a lifetime! Personal growth during the trip of a lifetime!

7 What Can We Contribute? We will respond to the needs and requests of the local community; these can include: We will respond to the needs and requests of the local community; these can include: Carrying out a community project… likely school building or classroom buildingCarrying out a community project… likely school building or classroom building Contributing our knowledge of education – helping young students learn EnglishContributing our knowledge of education – helping young students learn English Bringing resources (school supplies etc.) to the school in the communities where we’ll stayBringing resources (school supplies etc.) to the school in the communities where we’ll stay Providing any needed sports equipment to support programs (i.e. soccer balls, etc.)Providing any needed sports equipment to support programs (i.e. soccer balls, etc.)

8 The Details (to be confirmed) Departure – Saturday, April 16 Departure – Saturday, April 16 Return – Saturday, April 30 Return – Saturday, April 30 Cost – est. 3500$ before any fundraising activities (student fundraising can offset a large portion of cost) Cost – est. 3500$ before any fundraising activities (student fundraising can offset a large portion of cost) Global Learner Program with Canada World Youth – program cost 1700$ Global Learner Program with Canada World Youth – program cost 1700$

9 Itinerary & More Information Wednesday, May 12 th – room 215 @ 11:50 Wednesday, May 12 th – room 215 @ 11:50 Handout for parents/guardians with details Handout for parents/guardians with details Date set for evening meeting Date set for evening meeting In the meantime… In the meantime… GOOGLE:GOOGLE: Canada World Youth – Global Learners Program Canada World Youth – Global Learners Program Glebe Goes Global Glebe Goes Global Equador 2011 Equador 2011

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