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Plato’s Theory of Forms, and the Sun, Line and Cave A falasafaz! presentation 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Plato’s Theory of Forms, and the Sun, Line and Cave A falasafaz! presentation 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plato’s Theory of Forms, and the Sun, Line and Cave A falasafaz! presentation 1

2 Plato What is justice? What is the ideal state? What is the human soul? What is knowledge? What is reality? 2

3 Understanding Plato How does Plato understand the nature of reality? What is the relationship between existence, knowledge, and virtue? How successful are Plato’s Sun, Line & Cave similes? 3

4 Plato’s overall position Metaphysics (Reality) Epistemology (Knowledge) Ethics (Good) THE THEORY OF FORMS 4

5 What is real? 5 RealityAppearance Sensations Empirically observable data Particular examples of ‘X’ Beyond senses Mind/reason ‘The Forms’ ‘The X-in- itself’

6 The Forms 6 Particular beautiful things

7 The Similes/Allegories 7 The Sun Republic Bk VI 507a The Divided Line Republic Bk VI 509d The Cave Republic Bk VII 514a

8 The Sun 8 Source The SunThe (Form of the) Good Provides what? Light, growth Reality, truth – ‘light of reason’ Where? Sensible worldIntelligible World In order to… SeeKnow With what? Objects i.e. ‘particulars’

9 The Divided Line 9 Objects Epistemic States Forms Physical Objects Shadows / Images Dialectic Belief A B C D Mathematical Reasoning Illusion Intelligible Realm Visible Realm KNOWLEDGE OPINION

10 The Cave 10

11 Evaluating Plato What are the similes meant to achieve? How successful are they? What are Plato’s arguments? How persuasive are they? What objections can we identify and develop? 11

12 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. 12

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