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AP Biology 2007-2008 Domain Eubacteria Domain Archaea Domain Eukarya Common ancestor Kingdom: Animals Domain Eukarya.

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2 AP Biology 2007-2008 Domain Eubacteria Domain Archaea Domain Eukarya Common ancestor Kingdom: Animals Domain Eukarya

3 AP Biology Animal Characteristics  ________________  must ingest others for nutrients  ________________  complex bodies  ________________  allows active movement  ________________  no alternation of generations  no haploid gametophyte

4 AP Biology Fig. 32-11 Silicea ANCESTRAL COLONIAL FLAGELLATE Metazoa Eumetazoa “Porifera” Bilateria Deuterostomia Lophotrochozoa Ecdysozoa Calcarea Ctenophora Cnidaria Acoela Echinodermata Chordata Platyhelminthes Rotifera Ectoprocta Brachiopoda Mollusca Annelida Nematoda Arthropoda radial bilateral

5 AP Biology Body Cavity ectoderm mesoderm endoderm ectoderm mesoderm endoderm mesoderm endoderm acoelomate pseudocoelomate coelomate coelom cavity pseudocoel  Space for organ system development  increase digestive & reproductive systems  increase food capacity & digestion  increase gamete production  ______________  mesoderm & endoderm interact during development  allows complex structures to develop in digestive system  ex. stomach protostome vs. deuterostome

6 AP Biology Invertebrate: ______________  _____________  __________________________  do have specialized cells  __________________________  sessile (as adults) food taken into each cell by endocytosis

7 AP Biology Invertebrate: _______________  ____________________________________  _______________________  two cell layers  _______________  predators  tentacles surround gut opening  extracellular digestion  release enzymes into gut cavity  absorption by cells lining gut medusapolyp

8 AP Biology hydra stinging cell with nematocyst trigger discharged nematocyst undischarged nematocyst tentacles mouth sensory cell stinging cell Stinging cells of Cnidarians

9 AP Biology Invertebrate: __________________ ectoderm mesoderm endoderm  _________________  ______________________  mostly parasitic  ______________________  have right & left & then have head (anterior) end & posterior end  ______________= development of brain  concentration of sense organs in head  increase specialization in body plan Animals now face the world head on! acoelomate

10 AP Biology Invertebrate: _____________  _________________  ______________________  ______________________ (with exceptions)  soft bodies, mostly protected by hard shells  ______________________  increases complexity & specialization of internal organs

11 AP Biology Invertebrate: ________________  _____________________  ______________________  increase mobility  redundancy in body sections  ______________________ fan wormleech

12 AP Biology Invertebrate: ______________  ______________________  ______________________  pseudocoelom = simple body cavity  digestive system  tube running through length of body (mouth to anus)  many are parasitic  hookworm C. elegans

13 AP Biology Invertebrate: _________________  _____________________________  most successful animal phylum  ______________________  specialized segments  allows jointed appendages  ______________________  chitin (carbohydrate) + protein

14 AP Biology Arthropod groups insects 6 legs, 3 body parts crustaceans gills, 2 pairs antennae crab, lobster, barnacles, shrimp arachnids 8 legs, 2 body parts spiders, ticks, scorpions

15 AP Biology Invertebrate: __________________  Starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumber  _____________________as adults  spiny endoskeleton  ______________________ loss of bilateral symmetry?

16 AP Biology Invertebrate quick check…  Which group includes snails, clams, and squid?  Which group is the sponges?  Which are the flatworms? …segmented worms? …roundworms?  Which group has jointed appendages & an exoskeleton?  Which two groups have radial symmetry?  What is the adaptive advantage of bilateral symmetry?  Which group has no symmetry? Invertebrates: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata

17 AP Biology  ____________________  _____________________________________  _______________________  backbone encasing spinal column  skull-encased brain  _____________ postanal tail notochord hollow dorsal nerve cord pharyngeal pouches _________________ becomes brain & spinal cord becomes vertebrae becomes gills or Eustachian tube becomes tail or tailbone Oh, look… your first baby picture! vertebrate embryo

18 AP Biology Vertebrates: __________ salmon, trout, sharks 450 mya  Characteristics  body structure  bony & cartilaginous skeleton  jaws & paired appendages (fins)  ____________  body function  __________for gas exchange  ________________________; single loop blood circulation  ____________________  reproduction  _____________________  external development in aquatic egg gills body

19 AP Biology Transition to Land Evolution of tetrapods Tibia Femur Fibula Humerus Shoulder Radius Ulna Tibia Femur Pelvis Fibula Lobe-finned fish Humerus Shoulder Radius Ulna Pelvis Early amphibian Tiktaalik

20 AP Biology lung buccal cavity glottis closed Vertebrates: ______________  Characteristics  body structure  legs (tetrapods)  _________________  ______________________  body function  lungs (positive pressure) & diffusion through skin for gas exchange  _________________________; veins from lungs back to heart  __________________  reproduction  _______________________________  metamorphosis (tadpole to adult) frogs salamanders toads 350 mya lungs body heart

21 AP Biology Vertebrates: ____________  Characteristics  body structure  ___________________________  body function  lungs for gas exchange  thoracic breathing; negative pressure  ___________________________  reproduction  ___________________________ 250 mya dinosaurs, turtles lizards, snakes alligators, crocodile embryo leathery shell chorion allantois yolk sac amnion lungs body heart

22 AP Biology Vertebrates: ______________  Characteristics  body structure  ________________  thin, hollow bone; flight skeleton  body function  very efficient lungs & air sacs  ___________________________  reproduction  i___________________________  ___________________________ 150 mya finches, hawk ostrich, turkey trachea anterior air sacs lung posterior air sacs lungs body heart

23 AP Biology muscles contract diaphragm contracts Vertebrates: _____________ 220 mya / 65 mya  Characteristics  body structure  ____________________  specialized teeth  body function  lungs, diaphragm; negative pressure  ______________________  reproduction  ______________________  _____________________________  birth live young  ______________________ mice, ferret elephants, bats whales, humans lungs body heart

24 AP Biology Vertebrates: Mammals  Sub-groups  _______________________  ______________________  lack placenta & true nipples  duckbilled platypus, echidna  ________________________  ______________________  offspring feed from nipples in pouch  short-lived placenta  koala, kangaroo, opossum  _______________________  ______________________  nutrient & waste filter  shrews, bats, whales, humans

25 AP Biology Vertebrate quick check…  Which vertebrates lay eggs with shells?  Which vertebrates are covered with scales?  What adaptations do birds have for flying?  What kind of symmetry do all vertebrates have?  Which vertebrates are ectothermic and which are endothermic  Why must amphibians live near water?  What reproductive adaptations made mammals very successful?  What characteristics distinguish the 3 sub- groups of mammals?

26 AP Biology 2010-2011 That’s the buzz! Any Questions?

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