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Panathlon International's action to defend and disseminate the positive values of sport by Maurizio Monego.

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Presentation on theme: "Panathlon International's action to defend and disseminate the positive values of sport by Maurizio Monego."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panathlon International's action to defend and disseminate the positive values of sport by Maurizio Monego

2 Panathlon International (P.I.) P.I. is a free association of Clubs non- govermental, non-profit, non-denominational and non-partisan, without distinction of gender and racial origin.

3 Aims Panthlon’s purpose is to uphold the sporting ideal and its moral and cultural values as a means towards the development and advancement of the individual and to promote solidarity between men and peoples.

4 Panathletes: Educational value of sport believe in the educational value of sport, when this is not founded on the pursuit of success at all costs undertake to fight against doping, violence and racism promote friendship, respect, solidarity and fair play

5 Background The Panathlon Clubs operate on the field, implementing the principles and doctrine stemming from the Olympism and from research in the various sports-related domains.

6 Educating proposals The educational action developed by P.I. through its Clubs is substantially non-formal and informal. P.I. operates essentially : – highligthing exemplary actions and good practices – communicating through its website – sportsmen and stakeholders training.

7 Activity To reach young people, every Panathlon Club develops independent actions that are diversified depending on countries, their cultures and their institutions, by taking advantage of the opportunities allowed by local institutions and offered by the communities.

8 A few actions Activities in schools of all levels (mainly town based). It includes: – meetings with school classes to discuss topics agreed with the teachers – meetings with students of the faculties of physical education and sports …

9 Kaique De Pula Amorim (Panam. Escola de Arte e Design, São Paulo – Brazil) - Promotion of the International Graphic Arts Competition organized and managed by P.I. and its cultural Foundation “Domenico Chiesa”

10 Panathlon Club Wallonie Bruxelles Concurso National de Desenho do Distrito Brasil

11 P.I. Club Wallonie Bruxelles P.I. Club Venice: Panathliadi 2015 Fair Play Chart reading - Sport-play events

12 “ One hour for the disabled ”

13 Panathlon Declaration on Ethics in Youth Sport Public endorsement by sporting clubs or organizations and institutions: – implementation – pre- and post-monitoring

14 Declaration The Declaration expresses Panathlon's and the signatories' commitment to establish and comply with clear behaviour rules to promote the positive values of youth sport It involves monitoring the sports clubs operating in the field and making sure that they comply with the ethical principles set forth therein

15 Charter for sporting rights of the young  All children have the right : to practise sports to enjoy themselves and to play to live in a healthy environment to be treated with dignity to be trained and coached by competent people to take part in training that is adapted to their age, individual rhythm and competence to match themselves against children of the same level in a suitable competition to practise sport in safe conditions to rest to have the opportunity to become a champion, or not to be a champion



18 Fair Play Awards Fair Play Day: awards for gestures, promotion, career – Monitoring – Selection – Motivation

19 "Local Televisions Fair Play" Or when Televesdre and RTC Tele Liege join forces with the Panathlon Wallonie-Brussels to promote the best values of sport.

20 Inconspicuous gestures, which can however be clearly identified as genuine fair play acts, have a positive impact on young people who may personally know the protagonist of the act or more easily identify with such a person of the same age group Peer education Megan Vogel (17) helps a competitor during a track and field student championship (Ohaio – U.S.A.)

21 Fair Play Awards Trophees on the field


23 Retraining sport technicians and managers Lectures in courses organized by: - Regional Olympic Committees - Sports clubs - Municipal Administrations

24 Conclusion  P.I. will not save the world, nor will it save sport in general; however, its women and men are committed to giving their small contribution to improve these domains, being convinced that it is through sport, properly understood, that one may cultivate and practice what Aristotle used to call ‘virtues’, that is the core values of our humanity. Thank you for your kind attention.

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