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2012 Preliminary TAB Budget & TA/Society Headcount Ken Gilbert CAE Staff Director, TA Operations TAB FINCOM 17 May 2011 New Brunswick, New Jersey.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Preliminary TAB Budget & TA/Society Headcount Ken Gilbert CAE Staff Director, TA Operations TAB FINCOM 17 May 2011 New Brunswick, New Jersey."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Preliminary TAB Budget & TA/Society Headcount Ken Gilbert CAE Staff Director, TA Operations TAB FINCOM 17 May 2011 New Brunswick, New Jersey

2 TA comprises two sets of Budgets/Actuals and Forecasts: 1. TA Administrative & Governance ( often called “TAB”)  Includes cost of all Technical Activities Board (TAB) and committee meetings, Travel, Technical Activities Staff (TAD), Rent, Depreciation, some Infrastructure, etc.  These amounts are charged back to S/C’s through the "TAB Support” algorithm so TAB ends up net Zero.  S/Cs pay TAB Support based on their percentage of package product net distribution (ASPP and Conference Proceedings, both of which include the ½ of the IEL Net)  ~$13.0M Exp 2. Society/Council & Co-Spon. Publications (S/C)  Includes all S/C and Co pub activity plus incorporates TAB.  ~$194M R&E all inclusive Budget structure:

3 2012 TAD/TAB Administrative Budget Structure Department/Area:Cmte/activity Supported (Key Items) Conference Business & Support-Conference Committee -Conference Services -Conference Finance Services &compliance -Indirect Tax Conference Business Solutions-Systems support of Conference Business Data -New System Deployment (ICX) Operations-Staff & Space Planning support Project Accounting and Tracking -HR liaison/New Employee Set up/Perf Review organization & mgmt -Development & Management of the TAB administrative budget -Special Projects Membership-S/C Member Activities /awards -Chapter Payments & Support Elections/Bylaws/Governing Documents

4 TAD/TAB Administrative Budget Structure Department/Area:Cmte/activity Supported (Key Items) Finances-S/C & TAB Finances -TAB Finance Committee -Analysis & Metrics TAB Communications & Governance -TAB Board & Committees (Includes TAB’s share of OU series) -Strategic Planning Support -Volunteer Relations, MOU’s General Admin (MWC & Assistant) -Oversight of TAB, Societies, and Councils. Management of Soc Ex Offices, Meetings and Conference Mgmt, Conference Line of Operation (CLOO) - Future Directions Oversight -Sensitive Legal issues. Future Directions -New Technologies -Business / Project Management Periodicals -Periodicals Cmte -Periodicals Mgmt (ASPP) Conference Content Management -Conference Products Cmte -Conference Publications (CP) Mgmt

5 2012 Preliminary TA Administrative Budget April view with ICX

6 TA Administrative Budget Bridge 1 of 2 2011 TA Support (incl ICX) $11,255K Variances – increase/(decrease) –Salaries/Benefits (infl, plus actual and requested HC inc.) $1,218 Salaries FT 730 Salaries PT 51 Success Sharing 168 Salary Challenge (33) Benefits 302 –ICX Depreciation $275 –TMC New Technical Communications Development $250 –Direct Infrastructure (corporate overhead) $187 –Consultants R $110 –Conference Tools (ICX) $88 –Temporary Employee FD $80 –All Other (including rent) $76

7 TA Administrative Budget Bridge 2 of 2 –Technology Navigator Depreciation $75 –ICX Training $32 –*ICX Capitalization of Internal Labor (2011 601, 2012 571) $30 –Increased Recovery from CP/ASPP products ($90) –Reduced ICX Maintenance ($103) – Additional Reimbursement from MGA ($186)  (Including PRELIMINARY projection of MGA at 19% share of conf. srvs dept/CBS) –Decrease in Meeting and Travel Expense ($286)  Panel of conference organizers (lower budget in 2012)  Removed Sections congress in 2012 as this event does not occur every year ― Total 2012 TA Support (incl icx, April view) $13,011K * Capitalization of internal labor began in 2010, first budgeted in 2011.

8 Important: Updates in accounting rules will require some amount of capital budget for items such as web development/software/capitalization of internal labor


10 Headcount Summary: 2011B vs. 2012 Preliminary 1 st Pass April view (FT & PT FTE only) 2011B2012 April BDelta incr. Technical Activities Dept 77.9 84.2 6.3 Society Executive Offices 190.5192.0 1.5 Society Administrative Offices 9.0 9.6 0.6 Total277.4285.8 8.4 2.1

11 TAB Headcount Control Totals - April view Note 2 – includes HT & LP paid via new initiative

12 Technical Activities Dept. Bridge – April view 2011B= 77.9 FTE 2012B= 84.2 FTE Variance= 6.3 FTE Communications & Governance 1.5 Project Specialist +1 Project Specialist Part Time +0.6 Adjustment to PT hours (0.1) Conf Business & Support 4.9 VAT Tax Analyst +1 (Temp to Hire) Conference Relationship Team Manager +1 Conference Relationship Manager (Asia) +1 Conference Relationship Manager (Europe) +1 Conference Relationship Manager (OU) +1 Adjustment to PT hours (0.1) Other (hours adjustments, transfers, opns/FD) (0.1)

13 TA Headcount Detail: Governance, Communications and Volunteer Relations 2011B FTE= 12.7 2012B FTE= 14.2 2012 budget proposed headcount increase +1.5 0.6 Project Specialist level 2 This position will be responsible for governance issues related to Societies, Technical Councils, Multi-Society Technical Groups and Technical Committees. In particular: timelines, conformance with IEEE governing documents, preliminary issues management, record keeping, special projects (as needed) and reporting to TAB and other OUs. 1.0 Project Specialist level 1 This position will be responsible for project and planning development for various web-based resources for S/C and TA volunteers. Oversee development of pages and write/edit content; work with other staff on development of timely content and quality control; volunteer training vehicles; and special projects (as needed). (0.1) Part Time Hour Adjustment

14 TA Headcount Detail: Conference Business & Support 2011B FTE= 19.9 2012B FTE= 24.8 2012 budget proposed headcount increase +4.9 1.0 Conference Relationship Team Manager 1.0 Conference Relationship Manager (Asia) 1.0 Conference Relationship Manager (Europe) 1.0 Conference Relationship Manager (OU) 1.0 Conference VAT Analyst (temp to hire) (0.1)PT hours adjustments

15 Society Executive Office Headcount Control Totals- April View Note 1 – PES 0.5 Paid for by new initiative

16 Society Admin Offices - Headcount Control Totals- April View

17 Society Executive Office & Admin Headcount Bridge APRIL view 2011B= 199.5 FTE 2012B= 201.6 FTE Variance= 2.1 FTE –Signal processing 0.6  Society Administrator +0.6 –Broadcast Technology 1.0  Society Administrator +1.0 –Sensors Council 0.6  Society Administrator +0.6 –Microwave Theory Society Administrator (1.0)  Society Administrator -1.0 –PT hours adjustments 0.9

18 Society Executive Office Headcount Detail: IEEE Signal Processing Society 2011B FTE= 15.0 2012B FTE= 15.6 (will be removed in May pass) 2012 budget proposed headcount increase +0.6 –Administrative Assistant –Executive director needs some assistance with clerical and administrative tasks which she now performs herself, so that she can spend her time working on strategic initiatives and management responsibilities.

19 Society Administrative Office Headcount Detail: IEEE Broadcast Technology Society 2011B FTE= 2.0 2012B FTE= 3.0 2012 budget proposed headcount increase +1.0 –Society Administrator –Member/Chapter coordination activities –Website management –Awards support –Publicity and Promotion

20 Council Administrative Office Headcount Detail: IEEE Sensors Council 2011B FTE= 0.0 2012B FTE= 0.6 2012 budget proposed headcount increase +0.6 –Society Administrator –Adcom/Excom committee support –Awards support

21 Summary : Total TA/Society Proposed Budget Headcount additions for 2012 - (MAY View) + 6.8 FTE –Requested Additions/Subtractions thru May 16 1.6 Project Specialist Communication and Governance (1FT & 1PT) 1.0 Conference Relationship Team Manager. 1.0 Conference Relationship Manager (Asia). 1.0 Conference Relationship Manager (Europe). 1.0 Conference Relationship Manager (OU). 1.0 Conference VAT Analyst (temp to hire). 1.0 Broadcast Technology Society Administrator. 0.6 Sensors Council Administrator. (1.0) Photonics Society. (1.0) Microwave Theory Society Administrator. 0.6 PT hours adjustments Societies and TA combined. Reduction from April = 1.0 (existing FTE -Photonics), 0.6 (added in 1 st Pass -Signal Proc)

22 Some Open Issues / Comments – TAB and Societies Achieving 2012 Budget of no less than ~$1.4M net negative (including reserve spending) Finalize 2012 ICX project cost Conf proceedings distribution: more to MGA Reimbursement from MGA for Conf services/CBS departments IEEE Budget – impact to Societies as IEEE FinCom looks to balance overall IEEE. Other department requests (over and above target budget) XML funding for CP 2012 and beyond Non Member Revenue Impact from missing Society Budgets Staffing Other…

23 Total TAD & Society Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Change 2010B – 2011B +0.6 +6.3 +1.5 Overall +8.4 2012 = April view (May view will be lower once finalized)

24 TAB FTE History Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Change 2011B –2012B 0.0 0.9 (1.0) 1.5 0.0 4.9 2012 = April view

25 Backup

26 ICX Expense in the 2012 TA Budget (excl $ in tools) Salaries $1,308K Challenge ($58K) Benefits $412K Maintenance $133K Deprecation $451K Training $52K Servers $96K Salary Capitalization($571K) Total $1,823K

27 Headcount Summary: 2011B vs. 2012 May view (FT & PT FTE only) Check 2011B2012 April Proposed 2012 May Proposed Delta 11B- 12B May Technical Activities Dept 77.9 84.2 6.3 Society Executive Offices 190.5192.0190.4 (0.1) Society Administrative Offices 9.0 9.6 0.6 Total277.4285.8284.2 6.8

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