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Vocabulary Word: Media

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1 Vocabulary Word: Media
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Media Definition: the various means of mass communication Examples: radio, TV, newspapers, magazines Internet, billboards Graphic Representation:

2 Vocabulary Word: Media Channel
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Media Channel Definition: one TYPE of media EXAMPLES: television, radio, , websites, Twitter, Facebook, texting, podcasts, newspapers, magazines, billboards, busses Graphic Representation:

3 Vocabulary Word: Consumer
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Consumer Definition: Someone who BUYS schtuff Synonyms: YOU!! Graphic Representation:

4 Vocabulary Word: Commercialism
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Commercialism Definition: an emphasis on gaining profits ($$$) through advertising or sponsorship Synonyms: profits Graphic Representation:

5 Vocabulary Word: ubiquitous
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: ubiquitous Definition: everywhere Synonyms: Graphic Representation:

6 Vocabulary Word: Commercial Mass Media
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Commercial Mass Media Definition: advertisements designed to reach a large audience through audio, visual, or any combination Examples: Super Bowl commercials Internet (web pages) Movie previews Graphic Representation:

7 Vocabulary Word: target audience
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: target audience Definition: A specific group of people that advertisers aim to persuade their products or services Examples: Morning commercials Afternoon commercials Graphic Representation:

8 Vocabulary Word: obsolete
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: obsolete Definition: No longer useful Synonyms: Antiquated “old school” Graphic Representation:

9 Vocabulary Word: Primary Sources
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Primary Sources Definition: original documents created during the time studied Examples: diary, … Graphic Representation:

10 Vocabulary Word: Secondary Sources
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Secondary Sources Definition: Interpretations of primary sources Examples: textbooks, … Graphic Representation:

11 Vocabulary Word: Advertising Techniques
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Advertising Techniques Definition: methods used to attract consumer attention & persuade them to buy a product 8 types: Graphic Representation:

12 Vocabulary Word: Parallel Structure
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Parallel Structure Definition: using the same grammatical form to express ideas with the same level of importance Examples: Graphic Representation:

13 Vocabulary Word: Persuasive Appeals
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: Persuasive Appeals Definition: Ways to get what you want TYPES: LOGOS PATHOS ETHOS Graphic Representation:

14 Vocabulary Word: LOGOS
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: LOGOS Definition: LOGICAL APPEAL identifies arguments or appeals to logic; relies on FACTS – you appear “reasonable” to audience Example: You have not bought new clothes for me in over a year and I have outgrown my clothes, so you should take me shopping. Graphic Representation:

15 Vocabulary Word: ETHOS
Vocabulary Notebook Vocabulary Word: ETHOS Definition: ETHICAL APPEALS rely on the person to do what is RIGHT; creates credibility: fair, considerate, knowledgeable; and trustworthy Example: YOU gave birth to me, so it is your RESPONSIBILITY to clothe me. Graphic Representation:

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