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National Assessment Arrangements – Changing Times Stephen Anwyll, Head of 3-14 Assessment 14 th September 2011 AAIA Conference, Bournemouth.

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Presentation on theme: "National Assessment Arrangements – Changing Times Stephen Anwyll, Head of 3-14 Assessment 14 th September 2011 AAIA Conference, Bournemouth."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Assessment Arrangements – Changing Times Stephen Anwyll, Head of 3-14 Assessment 14 th September 2011 AAIA Conference, Bournemouth

2 Why do we get involved? Ofqual’s statutory objectives: –Qualifications standards –Assessment standards –Public confidence –Awareness and understanding –Efficiency and value for money Ofqual strives to secure qualifications, examinations and assessments that are valued and trusted by learners, users and the wider public

3 National Assessments: Early Years to Key Stage 3 Ofqual Regulatory Framework published early 2011 covering all statutory assessment 5-14 5 common criteria: Validity Reliability Comparability Minimising bias Manageability Specific criteria relating to phase / use etc Designed to promote more targeted, proportional review activity

4 National Assessments: Living with the Regulatory Framework Existing assessment arrangements: Moving away from ‘compliance’ and Codes of Practice Focusing our review activity on areas which present risks (new procedures & contracts, LA capacity, areas of concern etc) Maintaining checks on key elements (test development, level-setting etc) Broadening our perspective beyond KS2 tests and to include public confidence objective

5 National Assessments: Living with the Regulatory Framework New assessment arrangements: Strong focus on purpose of assessment and uses of data Clear assessment specification Piloting to provide evidence in relation to common criteria Ofqual engaged and informed so in a position to raise issues and respond when formally consulted

6 Y1 Phonics Screening example Age 6 Reading Test to Y1 Phonics Screening Check (Nov 10) Evidence to meet criteria agreed (Feb 11) Framework published (purpose, structure and proposed validity / reliability studies) (Mar 11) Attendance at Steering Group/s Training observed (May 11) Pilot checks took place (June 11) Standard-setting event (Sept 11) Evaluation and evidence available this month so that Ofqual can respond to consultation

7 National Assessment Arrangements Changes since 2004 and to come 200420112012 Early Years FS Profile KS1 Test & TA KS2 Test & TA KS3 Test & TA

8 National Assessment Arrangements Changes since 2004 and to come 200420112012 Early Years FS ProfileEYFS Profile KS1 Test & TA TA (informed by test/task) KS2 Test & TA (Science sample) KS3 Test & TATA

9 National Assessment Arrangements Changes since 2004 and to come 200420112012 Early Years FS ProfileEYFS Profile & pilot of new Profile? KS1 Test & TA TA (informed by test/task) & Y1 Phonics Screening Check? KS2 Test & TA (Science sample) Test & TA (Science sample) & Writing sample & moderation KS3 Test & TATA

10 Key Issues for Ofqual in periods of change Comparability of standards year on year Reliability of approach across all schools in new forms of assessment Fairness for all pupil groups Manageability for schools, Local Authorities and others involved How parents are engaged and informed Evidence of unintended impact of changes Link between national standards and the curriculum

11 National Assessments: Other Ofqual review activity 2011-12 Key Stage 3 in 2011 –What’s happening and when? Key Stage 2 –What happens with 11 year olds internationally? Key Stage 1 –Trends over recent years –Impact of local moderation: infant / junior variation Early Years –Impact of moderator registration programme Parental understanding –How parents make sense of national standards

12 Getting in touch Ofqual website: – Email: –

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