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By:Georgianna&Avery.  The Holocaust was a traumatic event in Jewish history. It was where a man named Adolf Hitler decided to take away certain rights.

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Presentation on theme: "By:Georgianna&Avery.  The Holocaust was a traumatic event in Jewish history. It was where a man named Adolf Hitler decided to take away certain rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 By:Georgianna&Avery

2  The Holocaust was a traumatic event in Jewish history. It was where a man named Adolf Hitler decided to take away certain rights from Jews, and eventually put them into concentration camps where they would work as slaves with no basic needs such as food and water. Most would die. Now they celebrate the remembrance of the Holocaust called the Yom Hashoah. History The Holocaust Star of David

3 A Little Bit About Judaism  Followers- 12-14 million  Jewish people- 20% of 100%  Prayer- anywhere they want most likely at the Synagogue or temple of God.  Originated- in Canaan Israel  Started- in 2000 B.C.E.  Judaism- everywhere, some places more than others  Holy Book- The Torah Praying Map

4 Celebrations/ Festivals  Passover  Rosh Hashanah  Yom Kippur  Sukkot  Hanukkah  Tisha B’av  Tu B’Shevat  Yom Hashoah Passover

5 Traditions/Customs  When a girl turns 12 their considered an adult  When a boy turns 13 their considered an adult  They go to a Synagogue  They do a lot of fasting  Cannot eat locust or any animal that crawls on the bottom of the ocean  When you die you must be put in a simple pine coffin

6 They can only eat the Kosher animals  Sheep  Goat  Cow  Deer  Chicken  Duck  Geese  Turkey  Pigeon  Salmon  Tuna  Pike  Flounder  Carp  Herring  And the four types of locust



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