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Farmer’s Problems -weather problems -falling prices -increasing debt -dependant upon railroads -need for cheaper money deflation and inflation.

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Presentation on theme: "Farmer’s Problems -weather problems -falling prices -increasing debt -dependant upon railroads -need for cheaper money deflation and inflation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farmer’s Problems -weather problems -falling prices -increasing debt -dependant upon railroads -need for cheaper money deflation and inflation

2 Railroad Abuses -construction graft -bribes -stock watering -unfair pricing long haul short haul -use of rebates for large customers

3 The Grange -also called the Patrons of Husbandry -began as social group that evolved into a political group -called for regulation of railroads -“Granger Laws”- mid-western state laws that regulated railroad abuses Granger laws ruled unconstitutional in Wabash v. Illinois, 1887 -ICC- Interstate Commerce Act -Federal law that regulates commerce -Grangers pushed for currency reform

4 Populism -took the place of the Grange -strong mid-west support -reform based party -Omaha Platform, 1892 increase $ supply income tax secret ballots 8 hour workday Immigration control

5 Free Silver Crusade -Panic of 1893 -nation enters a recession -many people promote silver and gold standard for currency -would create larger money supply -”greenbacks” issued based on silver and gold bullion reserves -Gold standard only would limit money supply as gold reserves were limited

6 End of the Populists -1896 election -William McKinley-Rep. Gold Standard -William Jennings Bryan -Dem./Pop. Free Silver “Cross of Gold Speech” -McKinley wins election -Populism dies

7 End of the Populists -1896 election -William McKinley-Rep. Gold Standard -William Jennings Bryan -Dem./Pop. Free Silver “Cross of Gold Speech” -McKinley wins election -Populism dies

8 End of the Populists -1896 election -William McKinley-Rep. Gold Standard -William Jennings Bryan -Dem./Pop. Free Silver “Cross of Gold Speech” -McKinley wins election -Populism dies

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