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SELF-RULE FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

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1 SELF-RULE FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

2 SELF-RULE Network Strategic European and Latin American Foresight for Research and University Learning Exchange

3 SELF-RULE 2005-2007 Work Plan is partly funded by the ALFA Programme of the European Commission…

4 About us SELF-RULE is an academic network with 12 member institutions from 8 countries. SELF-RULE members are academic institutions committed to improve foresight research and capacity building by sharing foresight-related knowledge, experiences, skills & tools. Having recognised that Foresight is a discipline which in the Public and Private sectors has demonstrated to be useful to support decision and policy making processes. SELF-RULE aims to contribute to the continuous generation of foresight professionals. FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

5 The network operates in Europe & Latin America…

6 Where We Are FTA Seminar Seville / Spain 12 institutions in 8 countries (4 European & 4 Latin American) Our Website Venezuela Colombia Brazil Peru United Kingdom Hungary Finland Spain

7 The overall coordination of the network’s activities have been shared between Venezuela and the UK …

8 Who We Are Brazil Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Colombia Universidad del Valle Universidad del Valle Peru Universidad de Lima Universidad de Lima Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Venezuela UNEFM – Francisco de Miranda UNEFM – Francisco de Miranda UNEFA – Fuerzas Armadas United Kingdom PREST – University of Manchester PREST – University of Manchester Spain Universidad de Alicante Universidad de Alicante Finland Turku School of Economics and Business Administration Hungary Corvinus University of Budapest Corvinus University of Budapest General Coordination Yuli Villarroel (Venezuela) Scientific Coordination Rafael Popper (UK) Michael Keenan (UK) FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

9 The most relevant news of the network are regularly featured in our event calendar …

10 Event Calendar FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

11 SELF-RULE has 3 main objectives …

12 Our Objectives 1.To build sustainable foresight capabilities –postgraduate, undergraduate and summer courses 2.To articulate academic institutions with other stakeholders (e.g. regional systems of innovation), thus contributing to regional development –Seminars, congresses, events and academic awards 3.To exchange foresight knowledge, experiences and tools between European & Latin American countries –Papers and books –Monitoring experiences –Knowledge exchange platform / e-Learning Space FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

13 Our 2005-2007 Work Plan is designed around the 3 main objectives …

14 2005-2007 Work Plan FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website Our Main Objectives Our Main Activities Expected outcomes

15 A total of 24 researchers have benefited from the mobility programme …

16 Mobility Programme MOBILITY SELF-RULE 2005-2007 Timetable in months (Month 1 = March 2005) 123456789101112131415161718192021222324 meeting 1 (Venezuela) 01: LA-EU ve-uk 02: LA-EU pe-sp 03: LA-EU pe-uk 04: LA-EU br-fi 05: LA-LA pe-co 06: LA-LA pe-ve 07: LA-LA br-ve 08: LA-LA co-pe 09: EU-LA fi-pe 10: EU-LA fi-ve 11: EU-LA uk-br meeting 2 (Brazil) 12: LA-EU ve-sp 13: LA-EU ve-hu 14: LA-EU br-fi 15: LA-EU pe-fi 16: LA-EU co-sp 17: LA-EU co-uk 18: LA-LA ve-br 19: LA-LA ve-pe 20: LA-LA pe-co 21: LA-LA pe-br 22: EU-LA sp-ve 23: EU-LA sp-co 24: EU-LA hu-pe final meeting (UK) FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

17 The network is also designing 5 modules of 24 hours each to make a total of 100 hours teaching / training material on foresight …

18 Teaching Modules Foresight on Science, Technology & Innovation (24 hours) –Foresight Theory & Fundamentals –Foresight & Technology Watch Territorial Foresight (24 hours) –Regional Systems of Innovation –Strategic Urban-Regional Plans Socio-cultural Foresight (24 hours) –Foresight and university strategy –Human and social development Techno-economic Foresight (24 hours) –Foresight, project management & entrepreneurship –Foresight on Productive Chains –Entrepreneurial Foresight / Foresight on agro-business Thematic modules (environment, climate change… (24 hours) FTA Seminar Seville / Spain Our Website

19 Most of the network’s activities are virtually coordinated and implemented with the help a Web-Platform freely-available at


21 SELF-RULE has also developed a web-based e-Training Space …


23 Source: I. Miles (2002) You can learn about the Foresight Process… Intelligence Gathering Knowledge Fusing Visioning Targeting Synthesis Dissemination Implementation Scoping Renewal Pre-Foresight Recruitment Generation Action Monitoring Management Seeking Experts Building Panels Engaging Stakeholders Evaluation The Foresight Process Main Phases Main Activities Internal Processes

24 Modelling Extrapolation Indicators Benchmarking Quantitative (6) Cross-impact Bibliometrics Creativity InteractionExpertise Evidence Science fiction Scanning Brainstorming Essays / Scenario writing Conferences / Seminars Wild cards SWOT analysis Expert Panels Genius forecasting Scenario workshop Morphological analysis Interviews Literature review Citizen Panels Relevance trees / Logic charts Backcasting Role Play/Acting Roadmapping Quantitative Scenarios/SMIC Delphi System/Structural analysis Voting / Polling Gaming-simulation Stakeholders Mapping Key/Critical technologies Multi-criteria Patent analysis Qualitative (17) Semi-quantitative (10) You can learn about 33 Foresight Methods… Source: R. Popper (2006) The Foresight Diamond

25 You can learn from many Foresight studies… And many more…

26 And you can find free access to our conferences, videos & news …

27 All our meetings and events are available in our video / presentation player…

28 But most of all, SELF-RULE is a human network…

29 …with a solid & integrated team…

30 …ready to adapt to cultural diversity.

31 For further information please visit our website at or contact

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