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Participate with SWOT. Achievement Standard 90970.

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1 Participate with SWOT. Achievement Standard 90970

2 Achievement Standard Physical Education 1.9: Demonstrate self management strategies and describe the effects on participation in physical activity Achievement Standard Physical Education 1.9: Demonstrate self management strategies and describe the effects on participation in physical activity Resource Reference: Physical Education 1.9B Resource Reference: Physical Education 1.9B Resource Title: Participate with SWOT Resource Title: Participate with SWOT Credits: 3 Credits: 3

3 This activity requires you to demonstrate self management strategies as you participate in physical activities. You are also required to comprehensively describe how those strategies affected your participation This activity requires you to demonstrate self management strategies as you participate in physical activities. You are also required to comprehensively describe how those strategies affected your participation Complete the SWOT analysis to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats of compared to the ideal self managed student in physical activity. (Refer to the table in Resource 1.) Your teacher will discuss each of the SWOT areas with you. Complete the SWOT analysis to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats of compared to the ideal self managed student in physical activity. (Refer to the table in Resource 1.) Your teacher will discuss each of the SWOT areas with you. Select at least two self management strategies that you have identified will help improve your participation in the physical activity. (Refer to the list on Resource 1.) Consider how these strategies will help you to strengthen weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities, and overcome threats. Select at least two self management strategies that you have identified will help improve your participation in the physical activity. (Refer to the list on Resource 1.) Consider how these strategies will help you to strengthen weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities, and overcome threats. Using Resource 2, record your selected self management strategies and describe how you will demonstrate these. This will assist with the completion of Task 2. Using Resource 2, record your selected self management strategies and describe how you will demonstrate these. This will assist with the completion of Task 2.

4 TASK 1 Task 1: Demonstrate self management strategies Demonstrate your two self management strategies in the physical activity. Demonstrate your two self management strategies in the physical activity. Your teacher will assess your participation against the self management strategies you have selected. Your teacher will assess your participation against the self management strategies you have selected.

5 TASK 2 Task 2: Write a report Write a report for a parent or guardian based on the use of your self management strategies in physical activity. Use Resource 3 as a template for your report. Write a report for a parent or guardian based on the use of your self management strategies in physical activity. Use Resource 3 as a template for your report. In your report, you are required to: In your report, you are required to: evaluate (describe comprehensively) the effects of your self management strategies on your participation in physical activity; evaluate (describe comprehensively) the effects of your self management strategies on your participation in physical activity; support your judgements with specific examples. support your judgements with specific examples.

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