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My Toy Story Работу выполнила Никулина Александра, ученица 2 класса «Б» Соликамск - 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "My Toy Story Работу выполнила Никулина Александра, ученица 2 класса «Б» Соликамск - 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Toy Story Работу выполнила Никулина Александра, ученица 2 класса «Б» Соликамск - 2011

2 I have got dolls, hares, balls and bears.

3 I have got 4 hares.

4 I like Bunny best of all. He is one. He has got pink long ears. He likes water-melon.

5 Funny is brave. He is seven. He has kind eyes. He likes apples.

6 Flopsy is pink and white. Flopsy has red ribbon. Flopsy can dance. Tom is green, red and yellow. Tom is funny. Tom likes carrot.

7 Bunny and Flopsy live on the table. Funny lives on the bookcase. Tom lives on the bed.

8 My hares can jump and run.

9 I like my hares very much!

10 I have got many dolls. My dolls are very nice!

11 I play with my dolls. У меня есть кукла doll C doll я часто играю в ball. Моя doll очень любит tea Look at my doll and me.

12 I am happy with my toys!

13 My hares and dolls красивые, My hares and dolls счастливые, My hares and dolls,я вас люблю И никому не отдаю. Hares and dolls – мои друзья. Лучше нет на свете! Расскажу об этом всем – Взрослым и детям.

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