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Listening and Speaking. Here are some kinds of things people often collect.

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Presentation on theme: "Listening and Speaking. Here are some kinds of things people often collect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening and Speaking


3 Here are some kinds of things people often collect

4 coins

5 dolls

6 stamps

7 Questions 1.What kinds of things do people often collect? 2.Why do people collect things? 3.Do you collect anything ? 4.Did you use to collect things when you were younger ? What ? Why ?

8 TOPIC Comparing information about two collectors

9 New vocabulary immaculate/ i'mækjulit/(adj):extremely clean and tidy action figure/ 'æk∫n 'figə/(n):a doll representing a character in a film, movie. metallic / mi'tælik /(adj): made of metal

10 cereal /'siəriəl/ (n):grain used to make flour or bread sort of / s ɔ :t əv/ (idiom): to some extent memorabilia /,memərə'biliə/ (n) : things that people collect because they once belonged to a famous person or are connected with a particular event.

11 Instruction Work into 2 groups. Group A: listen to Andrea Levitt who collects dolls. Group B: listen listen to Jeff Parker who collects Star Wars memorabilia. Then, answer these following questions.

12 Group A: Group B:

13 1.Where does she/he live? Who with? 2.What does she/he do for a living? 3.How long has she/he has been collecting? 4.How many items has she/he collected?

14 5.How many rooms of the house are taken up with the collection? 6.What’s her/his favorite item? 7.Where do the items come from? 8.Is she/he in touch with other people who share the same hobby?

15 Find a partner from the other group. Compare and exchange information


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