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Judicial Branch Interprets the laws. Civil Law Disputes between two or more people or groups. Often involve property rights, family matters, and arguments.

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Presentation on theme: "Judicial Branch Interprets the laws. Civil Law Disputes between two or more people or groups. Often involve property rights, family matters, and arguments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judicial Branch Interprets the laws

2 Civil Law Disputes between two or more people or groups. Often involve property rights, family matters, and arguments over property, child custody, unpaid loans or child support

3 Criminal Law Laws that protect people and maintain order. The courts enforce these laws by punishing those who break them.

4 Misdemeanors Lesser crimes, usually theft under $1,500, disorderly conduct, traffic violations. These are usually punishable by fines and occasionally minimal jail time (less than one year).

5 Felonies Major crimes such as armed robbery or murder. Punishment may range from 180 days in jail on up to life in prison.

6 Capital Offences Crimes that result in the death penalty such as murder.

7 Grand Jury Group of at least 12 citizens that sit in on felony cases. To be considered for any jury you must be 18 years or older and never have been convicted of a felony. In criminal cases all jurors must agree that the defendant is guilty before they can convict. In civil cases most of the jurors must agree.

8 Indictment Formal charge of wrongdoing in a felony trial.

9 Complaint Sworn statement that there is evidence that the accused has committed a crime in a misdemeanor trial.

10 Plea Bargain An agreement between the state and the defendant that often benefits both parties. This usually results in lesser punishment.

11 Municipal Courts Try minor crimes in larger cities, usually these offenses are traffic violations.

12 District Courts The main trial courts in the state, they try all the felony trials and all civil cases that involve divorce and ownership of land.

13 Appeals (Appellate) Courts These courts review cases first heard in trial courts. They try to determine if the trials were fair.

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