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Division of Budgets Tab 11 1 Department of Transportation 2009-10 Budget Act and Revised 2008-09 Budget Act Presented March 18, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Division of Budgets Tab 11 1 Department of Transportation 2009-10 Budget Act and Revised 2008-09 Budget Act Presented March 18, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Division of Budgets Tab 11 1 Department of Transportation 2009-10 Budget Act and Revised 2008-09 Budget Act Presented March 18, 2009

2 2 2009-10 Budget Act n2009-10 Capital Outlay includes $2.44B in Prop 1B n2009-10 Local Assistance includes $550M in Prop 1B funds

3 3 2008-09 Budget Act Revisions Significant Issues No Tribal gaming repayment Reduction of STA transfer HUTA payment delayed to locals

4 4 2009-10 Budget Act Significant Issues Fully funded Proposition 42 No Tribal gaming repayments Elimination of STA transfer Future spillover to the MTF

5 5 2009-10 Budget Act Economic Stimuli State economic stimulus nRelief from environmental and permits (exp. 12/31/2011) nDesign-build 10 SHS & 5 local projects (exp. 12/31/2014) nExpanded authority on PPP (exp. 12/31/2016) nSettlement on Hwy 50 and Caldecott Federal economic stimulus nNot included in 2008-09 and 2009-10 Budgets

6 6 2009-10 Budget Act Transportation Program Impacts SHOPP nLower fuel consumption nNo Tribal STIP nProp 1B TFA Capacity nProp 42 transfer of $1.483B TCRP n$83M nNo Tribal ARRA - $2.57B for Highways nRequires budget changes

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