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Fall 2015 1 CSE 5194: Orientation Seminar Fall 2015 Dr. Bahram Khalili Class website: GTA:

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2 Fall 2015 1 CSE 5194: Orientation Seminar Fall 2015 Dr. Bahram Khalili Class website: GTA: Ms. Li Yin; e-mail:

3 CSE and the College of Engineering  Student Enrollment - CoE  7,048 total  3,708 undergraduate  3,340 graduate  Student Enrollment - CSE  867 Bachelor’s students  721 Master's students (321 new in fall 2015)  110 Ph.D. students (26 new in Fall 2015)  Total = 1698 Fall 2015 2

4 CSE National and Area ranking  National Rankings  Computer Engineering (Graduate) #83 (source: U.S. News, 2014)  Computer Science (Graduate) #90 (source: U.S. News, 2014)  Area Rankings  #19 Data Mining #19 Data Mining  #19 Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition #19 Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition  #29 Multimedia #29 Multimedia  #35 Databases #35 Databases  #46 Natural Language and Speech #46 Natural Language and Speech Fall 2015 3

5 CSE Research Areas  Big Data and Large-Scale Computing Big Data and Large-Scale Computing  Biocomputing and Health Informatics Biocomputing and Health Informatics  Computer Networks Computer Networks  Computer Graphics, Vision and Multimedia Computer Graphics, Vision and Multimedia  Database and Information Systems Database and Information Systems  Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing  Machine Learning and Data Mining Machine Learning and Data Mining  Robotics and AI Robotics and AI  Security and Privacy Security and Privacy  Software Engineering Software Engineering  Sustainable Computing Sustainable Computing Fall 2015 4

6 After graduation  Notable companies CSE garduates works at: Apple, Google, HP, IBM, LinkedIn, Lockheed-Martin, Microsoft, NASA, Raytheon, Sabre-Holdings, Texas Instruments, and many other great companies  A number of MS graduates moved to PhD at UTA (students with Thesis only) Fall 2015 5

7 CSE web site  Current students  Student services  Student Services  Assessment Services Assessment Services  Engineering Student Services Engineering Student Services  UTA Career Services UTA Career Services  UTA Counselling Services UTA Counselling Services  Job and Internship Opportunities  Cooperative Engineering Education / Internships Cooperative Engineering Education / Internships  HIREAMAVERICK Job and Internship Listings HIREAMAVERICK Job and Internship Listings  Peer Educator Employment Peer Educator Employment  UTA's Jobs (on-campus and off-campus) UTA's Jobs Fall 2015 6

8 CSE Grad Website  Where?  What?  Contacts and Advising Hours  MS Guide  Various forms  Graduation checklists  Announcements  Course descriptions Fall 2015 7

9 8 Other Resources  Grad School Website – New & Current Students:  Graduate Catalog  Graduate Calendar  Funding Opportunities  Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines  Grad School Forms and Info  Lots of other useful information!  E-mail: we will use your UTA account (exclusively) for announcements Fall 2015

10 9 Personnel  Graduate Secretary  Camille Costabile (ERB 630)  Eric Mason (ERB 631)  Graduate Advisors (ERB 6 th Floor)  Bahram Khalili  General Advising – MS & PhD  In charge of S/W Eng. curriculum  Ramez Elmasri  General Advising – MS & PhD  Leonidas Fegaras  General Advising - MS

11 10 CSE Degree Options  MS CpE (Computer Engineering)  Must have Undergraduate degree in Engineering  Requires specialization is Systems/Architecture  MS CS (Computer Science)  Exact same degree program as MS CpE, except Systems/Architecture Specialization is not required  MSFWE (Master of Software Engineering)  Curriculum pre-dominantly Software Engineering *MS CS and CpE have Thesis and Non-Thesis options available Fall 2015

12 11 Definitions  Core Courses – These are mandatory courses that all students MUST take.  Major (Specialty) Track Courses – Three courses in a subject area including at least one at 6000 level. Areas:  AI, Database, Systems and Architecture, Networks, Software Engineering, Graphics and Multimedia, Information Security, Theory and Algorithms, Bioinformatics.  Breadth Courses – Courses outside of your major/specialty track(s)*  Elective course – One extra course in your major, outside dept. classes, or other none Major classes *Courses in chosen Major/Specialty Track cannot be used for breadth

13 Fall 2015 12 Non-Thesis (Structured) Degree Option: 37 hours  Orientation Seminar (5194)  2 core courses: 5311, One of {5306, 5317, or 5301}  3 breadth courses  Only two may be in the same specialty area  3 courses in major area 1 (one 6000-level)  3 courses in major area 2 (one 6000-level)  1 Elective (can be in area of Major/ Specialty or outside the Department, with prior approval by advisor)  Must complete graduate survey in final semester

14 Fall 2015 13 Thesis Degree Option: 31 hours  Orientation Seminar (5194)  2 core courses : 5311, One of {5306, 5317, or 5301}  3 courses in Major area (one 6000-level)  2 Breadth courses  The two have to be in two different areas  1 Elective (can be in area of Major or outside the Department, with prior approval by advisor)  Thesis I (5398) No credit hours  Thesis II (5698) Must be taken in graduating semester. 6 credit hours IMPORTANT NOTE: Thesis I is a pre-requisite for Thesis II and must be taken in a semester before Thesis II. Thesis II must be taken in the semester in which you plan to defend and graduate. Thesis I and II may be repeated as necessary.

15 Fall 2015 14 MS Software Engineering: 37 hours  Orientation Seminar (5194)  5 Core courses: CSE 5311, 5324, 5325, (includes 5328 and 5329 project, or acceptable substitute)  2 Courses from: CSE 5326, 5320, 6324, 6329  5 Electives, including three from CSE

16 Fall 2015 15 Important Notes  You can use at most one non-CSE course in your Degree Plan as an elective.  Max 2 courses can be transferred from outside UTA (by formal request to GS)  Must be from an accredited U.S. university;  Grade must be ‘B’ or better  Must satisfy a course requirement in your GMAP  Must be approved by grad advisor  There will be NO waivers for the Core course requirements, even if you completed one in your undergraduate studies

17 Important Notes  Directed Study (5393) is not allowed under the non-thesis (structured) option.  If your GPA falls under 3.0 => academic probation  Must have >=3.0 next semester, else withdraw Fall 2015 16

18 Fall 2015 17 Planning YOUR Courses  Make sure your Program of Work is complete… it is your responsibility  If in doubt, ask questions before you commit yourself to a plan  Register early… get the courses you want  Plan “Major” sequences for a two - three semester stretch.  Thesis students - Do not wait to complete all courses before registering for Thesis I.  Several “Topics” classes can be taken, if in subject matter is different  It is generally not a good idea to plan to graduate in the summer if you need a “non-standard” or 6000- level course to complete your plan

19 Fall 2015 18 Managing YOUR Degree Plan  CSE Graduate Students can register in (almost) any course we offer… so BEWARE  Only special CSE courses require clearance (Directed/Individual Study, Thesis I, Thesis II, deficiency classes, any web course)  YOUR plan is YOUR responsibility  Use MyMav Degree Audit capability to view your progress (GMAP)  Ask questions of the graduate advisors if in doubt about progress or applicability of a specific course

20 Fall 2015 19 Managing YOUR Degree Plan with MyMav  MyMav degree audit feature  Your degree plan is associated with your id#  CS MS Non-Thesis, CS MS Thesis, CpE MS Non- Thesis, CpE MS Thesis, MS Software Engineering  Your graduate advisor can change between Thesis and Non-Thesis  MyMav uses best-fit algorithm to apply courses taken to your specified degree plan  Courses that do not fit will be shown as “not- applied”  Certain courses will require advisor action to apply in the correct spot

21 Fall 2015 20 Important Dates (Fall 2015)  Census date: Sept. 14 th – No add/swap after date  Last date to drop classes for fall 2015: Nov. 4 th, 2015  Spring 2016 registration begins: November 9 th 2015  Fall 2015 Final exam schedule can be found at:  See academic calendar at:  The deadline date to submit your Application for Graduation in MyMav is September 11, 2015. After that date, for the next 30 days, you will be charged a $60 late fee.  The link to file for graduation: _services/graduation.aspx _services/graduation.aspx  Refer to checklist for graduating semester

22 Fall 2015 21 Thesis  Is it for you?  Sequence and Planning  Work Expectations  Selecting a supervisor and form committee (3 members)  Assistantship Obligations - GTAs and GRAs  GTAs need English proficiency  Switching to and from thesis program  Grades (P/F/R)

23 Important reminders  Graduate Survey :to be completed by Non- Thesis MS students in their final semester Graduate Survey  Curricular Practical Training (CPT) forms Curricular Practical Training (CPT) forms  CSE 5393 Directed Study Proposal (For MS Thesis and Ph.D. students only) CSE 5393 Directed Study Proposal  Transfer Credit Transfer Credit  Masters Non-Thesis Course Template Masters Non-Thesis Course Template  Masters Thesis Course Template Masters Thesis Course Template Fall 2015 22

24 Fall 2015 23 Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - (Internship)  Purpose: enhance your education through work experience  see  Current good academic standing  Two semesters of graduate coursework complete  Currently enrolled in an appropriate UTA course (hours cannot be used for credit – CSE 5191)  Part-time CPT students (20 hours or less) must be enrolled as full-time student (9 credit-hours)

25 CPT - Rules  CSE 5194 must be completed BEFORE internship  6 graduate-level courses completed (18 credit-hours)  Company and specific position/assignment must directly support the student’s degree plan and be approved by CSE graduate advisor.  GPA of at least 3.5  No CPT in graduating semester Fall 2015 24

26 Fall 2015 25 Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - (Internship)  Procedures: 1.Ensure that you meet ALL requirements (OIE and CSE) 2.Obtain an offer letter from your employer  Must be on company letterhead signed by company official  Must state that it is an internship offer  Must specify what the position/work assignment is and how it directly supports your degree plan  Must specify dates of employment WITHIN the semester for which the offer is given (see OIE site for date ranges)  Must specify whether offer is for part-time ( 20 hours/week) work 3.Complete the CPT Student application and bring the package to a CSE graduate advisor for approval 4.The advisor will enroll you in cse5191

27 Fall 2015 26 CSE 5194 Course  Goal:  Let the new students better know the CSE Department and Faculty  Share important rules and key dates with you  Better understand thesis option  CPT and OPT rules  You will have one assignment for the course

28 Fall 2015 27 CSE 5194 Assignment  Choose a recent publication (conference, workshop, or journal paper) authored or co- authored by a CSE faculty Friday, Oct. 2, 2015; 11:59 PM))  Email your selected paper title (and publication information) to GTA: You have two weeks after this orientation seminar to choose the paper (Deadline: Friday, Oct. 2, 2015; 11:59 PM))  No two students can choose the same paper (GTA will tell you if your paper has already been selected by another student, student must select another)  Paper must be recent (after 2005)

29 Fall 2015 28 Assignment Completion  You will read and summarize the paper and write a 5-page report plus a 1-page critique of the paper (6 pages total, single-space, font 10 or 11)  You will have 12 weeks to complete and submit the assignment  Upon completion of the assignment, you will e-mail your 6-page report to GTA ( Deadline: Friday Dec. 4, 2015; 11:59 pm )

30 Fall 2015 29 Contact Info for CSE 5194  Instructor: Dr. Bahram Khalili  Email:  Office Hours: Khalili – TR; 12;30 – 2:00 PM; ERB 629  GTA: Ms. Li Yin  Email:  Ms. Li Yin; Contact via e-mail  For questions, email the GTA first

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