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What is Good Writing? You know it when you see it. Ideas – interesting and important Organization – logical and effective.

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3 What is Good Writing? You know it when you see it. Ideas – interesting and important Organization – logical and effective

4 What is Good Writing? Voice – individual and appropriate Word choice – specific and memorable Sentence fluency – smooth and expressive Conventions – correct and communicative

5 Chores

6 Bathtubs, ever washed one? They are big, they are deep, and it is hard to get up around the sides. The bathtub is the hardest, I think, to wash in the bathroom. All chores are boring, especially making my bed. Cleaning my room is OK because I have to organize, and I like organizing. Dusting is the worst: dust, set down, pick up, dust, set down. There are so many things to dust, and it ’ s no fun. Chores aren ’ t the worst but they ’ re definitely not the best!

7 What is Good Writing? Interesting and Important Ideas An Important main idea 1. Complete sentence 2. Important to the author 3. Important to audience

8 What is Good Writing? Ideas and Details Interesting – help readers understand main idea “Show” details for reader to “see” in their minds Clear and meaningful purpose -Something surprising or unusual that works

9 What is Good Writing? Logical and Effective Organization Organization is driven by ideas. Beginning catches attention; you want to read. Ending feels finished and makes reader think.

10 What is Good Writing? Sequencing, Pacing & Transitions Parts arranged in best order Right amount of time spent on each part Easy to follow from part to part

11 What is Good Writing? Individual and Appropriate Voice Voice is choice Writer cares about topic Strong feelings, honest statements

12 What is Good Writing? Individuality and Appropriateness An individual, authentic and original Displays a definite and well-developed personality Appropriate tone for purpose and audience

13 What is Good Writing? Specific and Memorable Word Choice So many words, so little time Strong verbs that tell how an action is performed Adjectives and adverbs that make things specific

14 What is Good Writing? Memorable, Accurate, Appropriate Words and phrases you remember Words and phrases accurate and effective Language appropriate to purpose and audience

15 What is Good Writing? Smooth, Expressive Sentence Fluency Go with the flow Variety in sentence beginnings Variety in sentence length and structure

16 What is Good Writing? Expression, Effects, Understanding Sounds great read aloud Rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, “sound” effects Sentence structure easy to understand

17 What is Good Writing? Memorable, Accurate, Appropriate Words and phrases you remember Words and phrases accurate and effective Language appropriate to purpose and audience

18 What is Good Writing? Memorable, Accurate, Appropriate Words and phrases you remember Words and phrases accurate and effective Language appropriate to purpose and audience

19 What is Good Writing? Correct Conventions that Communicate What exactly are we talkin’ about here? Correctness counts Conventional wisdom

20 What is Good Writing? Punctuation, Inside and Outside “Outside” punctuation shows where ideas begin and end. “Inside” punctuation shows where parts of ideas begin and end.

21 What is Good Writing? Capitalization and Paragraphs Use capitalization for names, places and things that are one of a kind. Use paragraphs to show groups of related ideas.

22 What is Good Writing? Spelling and Grammar Spelling makes your writing easy to read. But what about grammar? Why do we need conventions? Tools, not rules

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