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Please write this on pg. 42A ! Point of View- point of view refers to how a person or character looks at, or views, an object or a situation There will.

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Presentation on theme: "Please write this on pg. 42A ! Point of View- point of view refers to how a person or character looks at, or views, an object or a situation There will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please write this on pg. 42A ! Point of View- point of view refers to how a person or character looks at, or views, an object or a situation There will be three main groups in the French Revolution and each group will have its own point of view about what should happen in France. Understanding Point Of View can also be a life skill. If you understand where a boss or friend is coming from, you are more likely to say the right thing and get what you want or what is best for everyone. Please do not talk at this timeOct 12 HW: Finish French Revolution Cornell Notes Part 1. Don’t forget to add Social, Political and Economic!

2 Please turn in…. Cause and effect practice work (on the back of your Timeline….) Your Practice Cornell Notes from class stapled to your HW cornell Notes on Louis XIV.

3 Wednesday is College Awareness Day! Check the list on the main office to see what class you go to before Wednesday. Make sure you have an email by Wednesday Come to school at 8am on Wednesday Bring something to work on if you have free time. Wednesday is a half day- You are out at 12:15

4 Ant ViewBird View

5 Student Point of View… How do these students see an upcoming History Test? –A student who feels a lot of pressure from parents to do perfect work all the time. –Student who loves history. –C student trying to maintain a good GPA so they can stay on the basketball team. –Student who doesn’t speak English well. –Student who hates school and is failing everything. –Student who is really good at multiple choice questions.

6 Please set up a new piece of paper for Cornell Notes. Title: French Rev. Part 1 Pg. 43A I am going to give you the Left Side of these notes for the Front Page which we will use in class during class notes. You will Glue this left side strip to the left side of your Cornell Notes and take your notes on the Right. Name Date Title Summary pg. 43A ASQ:Answer BSQ: Answer Cornell Notes  Social  Political  Economic French Revolution Part 1 Questions/Main ideas/ Key terms/Headings/ Vocab The Players  King Louis XVI  Queen Marie Antoinette  1 st Estate: Clergy  2 nd Estate: Nobles  3 rd Estate: Peasants BSQ: How do these people feel about their lot in life? ASQ: What is happening in this cartoon? Who are these people? How do you know? BSQ: How does this cartoon portray the peasants of France? Why are the two men standing on the third? Summary, Reflection, Analysis, TOP 5 for this page:

7 French Revolution: The Players As we look at each group, think about what their point of view might be. What is important to them?

8 King Louis XVI Grandson of the Louis XIV, the most powerful king in French history, Louis XVI is less powerful, less convincing and a little bit of a loser. He inherits a huge debt and he spends money like water. He prefers parties to government and he lives in the country, at Versailles, where he can easily avoid his people and his duty. He is a weak king, easily influenced by his queen and courtiers.

9 Queen Marie Antoinette Daughter of Maria Teresa of Austria, and sister to Austria’s king, Marie is not much welcome in France. The two nations are bitter enemies. She is just a young girl when she maries Louis and unused to the customs of the French court. She remains completely isolated from the realities of the lives of her subjects or the situation of her country and regularly gives Louis terrible advice about what to do in government and economy.

10 French Clergy 1 st Estate The French clergy are the priests, bishops and other religious people in the Catholic church of France. They own 10% of the land of France and collect a Tithe from peasants as a kind of religious tax. Some behave no better than the nobles while others work hard to help the peasants survive failed crops and high taxes. The clergy also serve as teachers to educate some peasants in reading and writing. 1% of the Population

11 French Nobles 2 nd Estate The French nobility live a life of extreme wealth. They own 20% of the land, pay virtually no taxes and use French peasants as cheep labor. The nobles spend their days amusing themselves, drinking, gambling, hunting, spending money on a lavish lifestyle and living almost completely free of any legal restrictions. Only the King can order them to do anything. Also, Nobles have swords, because they have the right to fight (knights) and kill. 2% of the Population

12 97% of the Population French peasants belonged in three categories, the Bourgeoisie, or merchants and artisans, the city laborers, who worked in factories and service jobs and the peasants who farmed the land. The last two were mostly uneducated laborers who worked as near slaves for the wealthy French nobility. They had few protections under the law and often suffered greatly from famine, war and taxation. They pay half their income in taxes and they have no say in government. French Peasants 3 rd Estate

13 BSQ: How do these people feel about their lot in life?


15 Above the Surface: What is happening in this cartoon? Who are these people? How do you know? Below the Surface: How does this cartoon portray the peasants of France? Why are the two men standing on the third? What is this meant to say? SwordBible Plow I need some volunteers to recreate this picture and act out the parts! Taxes

16 Making Cornell Notes Complete To get a grade on your Cornell Notes, you need the following: – Name and Period – Vocabulary (underlined) with Definitions – Key words – Notes – Questions with Answers (at least one Above the surface question per assignment.) – Summary (at the bottom of each page. – And Now: Social, Political and Economic Underlines! – Make sure you have all of these for your Class Notes!

17 Please do not talk at this timeOct. 15 HW: Complete Cornell Notes for Chapter 7, Sec. 1 This will be Pg. 44A Also due: Class Cornell Notes, French Rev Part 1 and 2. Quiz on 7.1 and class notes on Thurs/Friday Revolution Threatens the French King

18 Wednesday is College Awareness Day! Check the list on the main office to see what class you go to before Wednesday. Make sure you have an email by Wednesday Come to school at 8am on Wednesday Bring something to work on if you have free time. Wednesday is a half day- You are out at 12:15

19 Please set up a new piece of paper for Cornell Notes. Title: French Rev. Part 2 Pg. 45A I am going to give you the Left Side of these notes for the Front Page which we will use in class during class notes. You will Glue this left side strip to the left side of your Cornell Notes and take your notes on the Right. Name Date Title Summary pg. 45A ASQ:Answer BSQ: Answer Cornell Notes  Social  Political  Economic French Revolution Part 2 ASQ: Who was paying the most in taxes in France? BSQ: What would you do? Forces for Change:  Enlightenment Ideas  Financial Crisis  Weak Leaders Estates General BSQ: How would you feel about your leaders? BSQ: How would you raise the money you need? BSQ: What do you predict will happen at the meeting of the Estates-General? National Assembly Tennis Court Oath BSQ: Why would the king want to give the 3rd Estate ONLY one vote? BSQ: Why do you think many members of the 1 st and 2 nd Estates joined the National Assembly? Storming the Bastille The Great Fear Summary, Reflection, Analysis, TOP 5 for this page:

20 The Three Estates 1 st Estate: Roman Catholic Church  Paid little taxes, held office, DID make strong ties with peasants 2 nd Estate: Rich nobles,  owned 20% of land, Collected most of the taxes to spend on themselves

21 3 rd Estate: 97% of population, 3 groups:  Bourgeoisie – merchants, artists ~ educated, rich, wanted privileges  City workers – cooks, servants, etc. ~ low wages, hungry  Peasants – largest group (80% of pop.) ~ ½ of income paid in taxes First and Second Estates: Clergy Nobles Third Estate: Bourgeoisie City Workers Peasants 90% of the wealth 10% of the wealth BSQ: Who was paying the most in taxes in France? (How do you think they felt about this?) What would you do in a situation where you couldn’t afford to buy food for you or your family?

22 The Forces of Change  Enlightenment Ideas/ American Revolution inspired Third Estate  Economic troubles – France is going bankrupt: Queen’s shopping spree, cost of maintaining extravagant lifestyle, massive war debt.  Louis XVI a weak leader, borrowed more $  King called a meeting of the Estates-General on May 5, 1789 at Versailles to address budget crisis How French Taxes are Spent

23 Causes of the French Crisis Cartoon On the back of your Cornell Notes: Draw a cartoon (stick figures ok) that illustrates the main problems leading to revolution in France. What are the peasants unhappy about? Use only the top half.


25 BSQ:  How would you feel about your leaders if they were lavishly spending money on entertainment and losing wars while you were broke?  Pretend that you are Louis XVI. How would you raise the money you need?  What do you predict will happen at the meeting of the Estates-General? Representatives from the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd Estates meet to Advise the king. Estates General

26 Estate General Dissolves  Three Estates meet, each has 1 vote  Third Estate wanted each delegate to have a vote  King ordered old rules and locks the 3 rd estate out of the negotiations. He planed to raise taxes to cover debt  Third Estate break into a Tennis Court (nearby) and created a new government: the National Assembly,  Tennis Court Oath – 3 rd Estate (and a few 1 st and 2 nd Estate friends) swear an oath to fix France and the French Government. They force the king to accept the new government and write the Constitution of 1789.  France is now a Constitutional Monarchy! One Vote per ESTATE 3 total 1st 2nd 3rd It should be One Vote per Person! We MUST Do Something!

27 BSQ: Why would the king want to give the 3 rd Estate ONLY one vote? Why do you think many members of the First and Second Estates joined the National Assembly? Taking the Tennis Court Oath 1st 3rd 2nd Volunteers to play these three men?

28 An Enlightened Duke (2 nd Estate) A rich Bishop (1 st Estate) A French soldier (3 rd Estate) A poor priest (1 st Estate) King Louis Declares 1 Vote per Estate Please find this chart and say WHY for each person. How does each group respond to Louis XVI’s decision to allow only 1 vote per Estate and Why do they respond that way?

29 Please do not talk at this time Oct 16 HW: Cornell Notes for Chapter 7, Sec. 2. Add Social, political and economic This will be Pg. 46A, Due Monday Quiz on 7.1 and class notes on Thurs/Friday Please get out your French Revolution Part 1 and 2 Notes as well as your Chapter 7.1 Homework: We need to check these Cornell Notes before we go any further to make sure you are doing them right! You are right… we are not done with French Rev Part 2 yet.

30 Wednesday is College Awareness Day! Check the list on the main office to see what class you go to before Wednesday. Make sure you have an email by Wednesday Come to school at 8am on Wednesday Bring something to work on if you have free time. Wednesday is a half day- You are out at 12:15

31 Look at your French Rev 1 & 2 Cornell Notes and 7.1 Cornell Notes Do you have your Name and Period? Do you have a Title? Do you have the following Vocab Words underlined with Definitions? French Rev Prt 1 King Louis XVI Queen Marie Antoinette 1 st Estate 2 nd Estate 3 rd Estate French Rev Prt 2 Estates General National Assembly Tennis Court Oath (we’ll do these today) Storming the Bastille The Great Fear Chpt. 7, Sec. 1 Old Regime Estate Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Estates General National Assembly Tennis Court Oath Great Fear

32 Look at your 7.1 Cornell Notes Do you have Key Words like these: Privileged Estates 3 rd Estate Enlightenment Ideas Economic Troubles A Weak Leader Revolution

33 Look at your French Rev 1 & 2 Cornell Notes and 7.1 Cornell Notes Have you made questions yet and written them on the left? You need at least 1 Question: –A who, what, when, where question How to make Questions: –Look at the notes you took. What do they say? –Now make up a question that can be answered by reading your notes. –Write that question on the left, next to the notes.

34 Look at your French Rev 1 & 2 Cornell Notes and 7.1 Cornell Notes Have you Identified Social, Political and Economic? Pick 3 colors right now and color in the boxes at the top of your page…one color for each category. Now look for examples of each one in your notes. Highlight the economic things with the color for economic and so on. This helps you think about the info in a new way and gets it into your brain!

35 Look at your French Rev 1 and 7.1 Cornell Notes Have you written your Summary? The summary comes at the end of the notes (that is why we can’t do one yet for French Rev Part 2 Class Notes. It should cover 5-7 important things from the notes you have taken. This helps you think of the information in a new way and gets it into your brain. To get an A on your Cornell Notes, you can do an analysis in your Summary. A list of options to make A notes is on the next slide.

36 Advanced- A grade All of proficient standards are met Key information in the right side of the notes has been highlighted/underlined after notes are taken. Information is organized into Social/Political/Economic categories (through color coding and/or labeling) One of the Following to be completed AFTER all notes are taken: –Left hand side includes at least one below the surface How/Why question with the answer on the right side of the notes. –Analogy with an explanation of how it connects to the information in your notes in the Summary. –A Venn Diagram showing how two things compare and contrast in the Summary –A metaphor in the Summary

37 Now to finish French Rev Part 2 Cornell Notes

38 An Enlightened Duke (2 nd Estate) A rich Bishop (1 st Estate) A French soldier (3 rd Estate) A poor priest (1 st Estate) King Louis Declares 1 Vote per Estate Please find this chart and say WHY for each person. How does each group respond to Louis XVI’s decision to allow only 1 vote per Estate and Why do they respond that way?


40 A Great Fear Sweeps France  Storming the Bastille- 5:26 Peasants in Paris, starving and unemployed, hear a rumor that the King is sending soldiers to kill them. They gather knives and pitch forks, break into the Bastille, kill the guards, free the prisoners, and take the weapons and gunpowder. Later they find out no soldiers were ever sent. Now a national holiday: Bastille Day, 7/14  Great Fear- This is the beginning of the French Revolution. All over France, Peasants rise up and attack their lords, steal their goods and set their houses on fire. Violence reigns.

41 Please do not talk at this time Oct 18/19 HW: Chapter 7.2 Cornell Notes with Social, Political and Economic What is happening in this picture?

42 PLEASE STAPLE THE FOLLOWING TOGETHER: French Rev Part 1 Cornell Notes French Rev Part 2 Cornell notes Chapter 7, Sec 1 Cornell Notes


44 Please set up a new piece of paper for Cornell Notes. Title: French Rev. Part 3 Pg. 47A I am going to give you the Left Side of these notes for the Front Page which we will use in class during class notes. You will Glue this left side strip to the left side of your Cornell Notes and take your notes on the Right. Name Date Title Summary pg.47A ASQ:Answer BSQ: Answer Cornell Notes  Social  Political  Economic French Revolution Part 3 Review: What happened at the Bastille? March on Versailles ASQ: What caused the people of France to go so completely out of control? Simulation Notes: What Happened? Louis XVI Execution Reign of Terror War with Austria BSQ: Why does Robespierre become so radical? What causes him to become so extreme his own friends order his death? How will all this violence affect the people of France? Predict: What will the French people be looking for in a government now? Summary, Reflection, Analysis, TOP 5 for this page:

45  March On Versailles: 3:00 Women of Paris, starving and watching their children freeze to death, take up knives and sticks and march to Versailles. They kill nobles there, stick their heads on poles, force the king to give them food and make him return to Paris to do the work of Government. The King and his Family are killed before they can return to Versailles again. March On Versailles The King Comes to Paris Review: What happened at the Bastille?

46 On the back of your Cornell Notes Consider the Storming of the Bastille, the Great Fear and the March on Versailles. Pick one event, and pretend that you are witnessing the event in person, just like the protestors in Egypt who staged their own revolution. Choose one of the following members of French society: –A peasant –A soldier –A nobleman Tweet (in 140 characters or less) the essentials of the event you chose. Capture what is most important from the perspective of your member of French society. Write who they are below your tweet.


48 Index so far Pg 42- Point of View Pg 43- French Rev Cornell Notes Part 1 Pg 44A- Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes French Rev. CN Part 2 Pg. 45A Pg 46A Chapter 7.2 Cornell Notes Pg 47A- French Revolution Part 3

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