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AP Psychology Chapter 2 Biological Bases of Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Psychology Chapter 2 Biological Bases of Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Psychology Chapter 2 Biological Bases of Behavior

2 AP Psychology Lesson 9/19 No Journal prompt Assignments schedule Ch. 2 Introduce helmet brochure Parts of the neuron Next class: Quiz on neuron

3 Today’s Lesson 9/22 Journal prompt: Endorphins Phrenology jokes Drawing a neuron Quiz on neurons, next class 7 th period: Library at 3:30

4 Journal Prompt 9/22 Journal Prompt: P. 53 Can you recall a time when the endorphin process may have protected you from extreme pain? Learning Objective Identify the parts of the neuron and describe the basic process of neural transmission.

5 Phrenology ology2.gif


7 Bush's Brain Scan George W. Bush went to see the doctor to get the results of his brain scan. The doctor said: "Mr. President, I have some bad news for you. First, we have discovered that your brain has two sides: the left side and the right side." Bush interrupted, "Well, that's normal, isn't it? I thought everybody had two sides to their brain?" The doctor replied, "That's true, Mr. President. But your brain is very unusual because on the left side there isn't anything right, while on the right side there isn't anything left."

8 Neural Communication Note the similarities in the above brain regions, which are all engaged in information processing. Neurobiologists and other investigators understand that humans and animals operate similarly when processing information.

9 Phenology 1857

10 Biological psychologists Study the links between biological activity and psychological events Humans are biopsychosocial systems.


12 Lesson plan 9/24/2014 Journal Notes: neuron (use colored pencils if you have them). Notes quiz on the neuron

13 Lesson Plan 9/29/ 2014 In place of journal prompt: Play-doh brain instructions Lesson: Play-doh brain Worksheet: Your brain while driving

14 AP Psychology Lessons 10/1 Turn in helmet brochure Journal Prompt: Heroin withdrawal Nervous System Psych Sim Chapter 2 – Brain and Behavior – Neural Messages – Hemispheric Specialization

15 Journal prompt 10/1 Learning Objective: Identify the parts of the neuron and describe the basic process of neural transmission. p. 53 Prompt: How do neuroscientists explain the pain of heroin withdrawal? Image:


17 Today’s Lessons 10/3 Journal prompt: Pituitary gland Endocrine systems Video Clips – THE BRAIN Hormones during Brain Development THE BRAIN Hormones during Brain Development – THE MIND Endorphin Receptors THE MIND Endorphin Receptors – THE MIND Dopamine Pathways THE MIND Dopamine Pathways Review The Brain Packet

18 Journal Prompt 10/3 2.1 Describe how the endocrine glands are linked to the nervous system 2.2 Describe the effects of hormones on behavior and mental processes 2.3 Describe hormone effects on the immune system P. 59 Why is the pituitary gland called the master gland? What specific behaviors does it control?

19 The Endocrine System The Endocrine System is the body’s “slow” chemical communication system. Communication is carried out by hormones synthesized by a set of glands.

20 AP Psychology October 8 TWO Journal prompts: – Neuroplasticity – Brain lateralization Structures of the cortex Next class 10/10 – EXAM – Turn in all chapter 2 Guided Reading Packet Chapter 2 Vocabulary Journal

21 Journal prompt 10/4 Discuss the mechanisms and the importance of plasticity of the nervous system. p. 74 What scientific advances might we look forward to as the result of current research on neurogenesis?

22 Journal Prompt 10/8 1.4 Describe lateralization of brain functions. p. 80 How do two-day-old babies demonstrate tendencies to left-handedness or right- handedness? How is this determined at age 5 months? What do such findings show about the cause of left- or right-handedness?

23 Structure of the Cortex Each brain hemisphere is divided into four lobes that are separated by prominent fissures. These lobes are the frontal lobe (forehead), parietal lobe (top to rear head), occipital lobe (back head) and temporal lobe (side of head).

24 AP Psychology 10/4 Journal prompt: Neurogenesis Test questions Split brain Psychsim Methods of studying brain Due next class Tuesday 10/8: Journal 9/20, 9/24, 9/28, 10/2, 10/4 – Psych Sim Neuron Split brain Workbook lessons Vocabulary terms

25 AP Psychology 10/8 Journal prompt Turn in journal and all notes. Exam on Chapter 2

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